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Everything posted by onenfguard

  1. Thanks @d4verman for trying out my story Arc, glad you liked it 🙂. For that map your looking for its under: map type/ unique maps category/ Praetorian outdoor maps map/ Neutropulis - neighborhood As for the go back to entrance to end mission I was trying to have Ol' Bad Ja 🦡 boss ambush the player when the other boss was at 1/4 health but I couldn't get it to work 😞. So my work around was to have him spawn in middle of map to block you from escaping. Mission is complete at this time so the fight is optional at that point. I just really wanted a boss assist/help out another boss, still learning the AE system. For the spelling/grammar, yes MS word is a good call thanks. 🦝🦨
  2. Thanks @cranebump for the review and taking the time to try out my story arc! Nice to get fresh eyes to spot anything I missed or got wrong. I'll go back and work on cleaning up some of the spelling errors 🙂.
  3. Hello all this is my first go at making an AE story arc. What first started to just be one mission, turned into a 5 mission story arc. I guess I was having to much fun coming up with ideas as I was working on custom mobs and scenarios along the way 😉. Because of this, mission one is a little bloated with a lot of boss fights, captives, and mobs to deal with. The other missions are more streamlined. For the outdoor maps all dialogues I gave mobs, bosses, and captives go off right as you entered the map. When that happens you can scroll up a bit to see what they said, sorry about that 😞. Over all I had a great time even with the set backs. So much so I have started on another one that is a follow up arc to this one. I would love for you all to give it a shot and I hope you enjoy it. 🦝 My recommendation for the Arcs settings: set team size to +2 or +3 (to see more of the custom mobs), solo bosses to yes (to see more custom bosses), and for solo AVs to AVs (not elite bosses making the hero helper more powerful). Any archetype can solo this as long as you team up with the hero helper in each mission.
  4. Poetic Justice Hero Corp PJ.costume
  5. About the autosave, no does not have read glow to it and I can still access it. There was five in development missions and now there is just the first one with everything intact not sure why that is, not to tech savvy to be honest. I just have one guess to how this could have happened and I think it has to do with the computer not having enough space. This computer is used by pretty much everyone and I did not notice there was little to no space left on it. Since then I have made plenty of room and tried to see if that would help but it didn't seem work.
  6. So this is my first time working on an AE arc and trying to learn the ins and outs and been having fun with it so far. The first time I had a problem was when I accidentally published the arc to early and tried to bring it back to my local stories and deleted it while trying to make the switch back. I decided to just make it again and I was told to make a back up just in case. The problem is I have not done so yet and again something happened and I lost the arc again. Here is a quick bullet point of what I was doing before I got this screen (screen shot at bottom). logged in and worked on the arc a bit. started play testing changes then clicked end task force button to make some fixes. decided to take a break and logged off. logged back on about an hour later (first red flag) and noticed all my characters where rearranged in different order which only happens if I log on on a different computer. thought that was weird and then I checked on AE arc and got this red glow to the file and all options grayed out. Looks like I wont be able to recover it from what it looks like was just wondering if this has happed to anyone else and is there any way to prevent this from happening. I am guessing the best thing is just to make a back up every so often when things just happen like this.
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