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Posts posted by RivalVivi103

  1. I also forgot to mention I'm not worried about the cost for enhancements since I am able to fire farm right now with a brute I got to 50. So high enough enhancements are a plus if any work with the build also for a 3rd powerset im open to any suggestions (be it more defense or more aoe/attack pending whats needed)

  2. I'd like to give Dominator Dark/Savage a go but I have no idea what build or powers to go for it. I picked Dark mainly for the Umbra Wolf (looks cool) and honestly the dark damage over time and blind/bind is  a nice combo also. I'm looking for a build set for very high aoe farming and survival but also very useful in a party setting (Blinds/Binds/ Decent damage over time). I'm still learning about set names but I did recently install the mod to see builds linked and so forth. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance!

  3. Ageless T3 (the one that gives a 90sec buff) is really good and very noticable vs the 60 sec one. Definately give that a go, if you are struggling with end like I was on my brute I went for the Alpha slot with the +End/Reg/Def Boost. I plan to change that later on once I finish up my own slots (and gain more def/power accuracy and recover/regen). Once that happens I'll change it for Muscle Alpha also.

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