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Posts posted by smnolimits42

  1. What secondary would you choose ??  Why??  I've been wanting to make a Thugs Mastermind for awhile now, but i keep coming to the point that Thugs feels evil.  I want to make a Thugs Hero.  As such, i need some of your thoughts on the subject.  Thanks in advance.

  2. Lady Grams is my main character, and my global name.  She started off as a Tsunade rip off, but now she controls Ninjas as if they were puppets.  She is also my medical ninja.  So basically she is Ninja/Empathy MM.  

  3. What am i looking for in a build??  Lots of damage.  I want to be able to solo, but i also want to be able to team.  Which means i need to be able to take a certain amount of punishment.  I should let you know that this character is MA/Inv Scrapper.  Thanks in advance.

  4. I need some help.  Maybe lots of help.  Mental, Physical 🙂 Tuffy is my 3rd or 4th lvl 50.  Here's the problem, i only have about 600 million influence.  What i need i a build that will allow me exemplar down, so that i can do all the content.  

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