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Everything posted by Kaminaoka

  1. Awesome Thank you!
  2. Shoot! Although survivability is preferred 😄
  3. I scoured through all the builds but didnt see an Ice/Martial Blaster build. Is there anyway you could help me out with one?
  4. Hi there, I am new to the blaster world and was wondering if someone had a build they could let me use. I have not been able to find any builds for this set and after messing with mids for a couple hours I feel like I'm completely lost. Is there any good builds like this that focuses on ST and survivability? Any help is greatly appreciated! Here is my current build that I tried to use by mashing together other peoples builds I found. But I accept I am probably going to have to completely start over. Ice Blast - Martial - Blaster.mxd
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