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  1. I saw this post, but it doesn't look I can reply to it to ask more questions about it. https://score.savecoh.com/index.php/topic,198.0.html I realize it's an older game, but see some options for my screen resolution, which it will let me pick (though sadly not in a borderless, full screen window), but it still shows as square with black border. Anyways, was wondering how (if) there is a way to make the game take up the entire real estate of my screen. Not looking for anything overly pushy, just would like a 1920x1080 (border full screen windowed a bonus). And, actually fill up the screen, not just a 4x3 square in the middle. I tried running that 'score.exe' mentioned above, to change DPI settings. When I run that, I get a splash screen, and then it just goes away. Note: Also tried looking around the regedit settings. Don't see anything there about DPI, much less a place to change 'system' to 'application'. Forum Issue: Side comment, this message body box control just keeps going and going. Looks okay in preview, but something is clearly off with it.
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