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About Vaylenisme

  • Birthday 09/08/1984

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  1. That may explain why when the Assult bot spins its upper torso, the waist twists into a pretzil instead of just spinning!
  2. Same with robots, They would look awesome in black and red
  3. Truthfully, I just grabbed Devouring Earth as a "nature" option. I'm surprised that there is no generic "elemental/golem" pet option. But that may be because it is generic. I would really like the ability to remove the lions and add more wolves in there place for a full pack. Or vice versa and have a full pride of cats.
  4. But most of my examples already have animations. I was just thinking of them swapping the generic pets with already existing enemies. Most of the work would already be done that way.
  5. I should note that there has already been custom models for MM pets. I don't remember the robots having a maintenance bot, it used to be a healing power and not a summon. Adding glowing lights to indicate an upgrade, or just tacking on an extra piece (in the case of robots, or changing guns/colours for other pets (maybe adding auras) doesn't seem that out there.
  6. I was wandering around Paragon City Fighting Clockwork with my Mastermind Character when I thought, man it would be fun if I could have clockwork Henchmen. As I thought about it, I realized that they would just be a reskin of the Robot Henchmen. Then I thought, why not have reskinned Henchmen. In the Costume Creator you can change the look (i.e. colours) of most powers to match them with your character. Why not use that to be able to change the appearance of the henchmen. Alternate Henchmen Ideas Robot: Clockwork, Council Zenith, PPD Drones (Drones, Guardians, Enforcers), Thugs: Mooks/Marcone Family, Longbow Militia, The Skulls, Demons: Hellions, Circle of Thorns, Cap au Diable Demons, Fir Bolg Necromancy: Freakshow , Vohzilok, Hydra, Banished Pantheon Beasts: Devouring Earth (3 Types: Stone/Gem, Plant, Mushroom) Ninjas: Tsoo, Cimerorans, Knives of Artemis Mercenaries: PPD Officers, 5th Column Soldiers, RIP Officers, Nemesis Soldiers
  7. Having Longbow operatives as Henchmen... Sure Why not 🙂 . Making a good Mastermind who works for/with Longbow, or an Evil Mastermind who mind controls Longbow agents and uses them as muscle!
  8. Well they could always be an Ex-Arachnos, or even someone who just got their hands on some Arachnos tech. This is why I suggested the different cosmetic maces. There are always ways to explain it. They could always be slightly larger spiderlings, or spiderling MK 2s. My intention was just give a new Thematic Mastermind Henchmen set, just because it seemed like there should have been one from the beginning. If I had my way, I would have a DIY Henchmen customizer. Do you want skeletons instead of zombies?, Vampire instead of Lich?, Or how about just making each demon look a little different from each other?, Why not have your Thugs all ware the same suit like a uniform?. What if you want clockwork instead of robots? Or Marines instead of Mercenaries?. The possiblilities would be endless....... But I will take what I can get! 🙂
  9. This is a repost Hello, This is my first post here and I don't know if anyone has suggested this, but have an Idea for a New Mastermind Primary Power Pool. I just want to start with... Thank you so much for bringing back my beloved game! One of the things I always thought about when playing City of Villains (where they introduced the Mastermind), was that the prestige classes you gained access to, should have had an Arachnos Mastermind. There are Arachnos robots that would have been perfect for this in the form of the Spiderlings, Arachnos Drones, and the Arachnobot. The Power Pool could have those 3 as the Henchmen summons, with the last power (the 2nd power-up for henchmen), being the better versions (Advanced Spiderlings/Arachnobot Blasters, Arachnos Drone Coordinators, and the Arachnobot Disruptor) The Weapon used would be the Nullifier Mace that the Arachnos Troopers carry (maybe use the tech maces/magic maces for cosmetic differences, like you can do with most of the Mastermind gun powers) The Powers in this power pool would be comparable to the equivalent powers from the other Mastermind Power Pools. Level 1 Powers: - Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term. - Spiderlings Summon Spiderlings Level 2 Power: - Mace Beam Blast Ranged, Area of Effect, High Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term. Level 6 Power: - Equip Drones Ranged, Equip Arachnos Henchman Level 8 Power: - Venom Grenade Ranged, (Damage over Time, Toxic) Foe -Damage, -Recharge The poisonous gas has severely weakened your attacks and Slowed your attack speed. Level 12 Power: - Arachnos Drone Summon Arachnos Drones Level 18 Power: Spiderlings Swarm (Reskin of the Thug's Gang War) Summon Calls a Swarm of 10 or so Spiderlings to come to your aid for a brief while. Swarms are not like your true Henchman. They cannot be given direct commands, nor will they appear in your pet window. You must select an enemy target to attack first before calling these Drones. Swarms are many, but they are very weak, and are only equipped with the most basic weapons. Although they will follow you, they are not as loyal as your Henchmen, and they will only stick around for a few minutes before taking off. Recharge: Very Long Minimum Level: 18 (Mastermind) Effects: Summon Swarm (Calls approximately 10 Drones) Enhancements: Reduce Endurance Cost, Increase Attack Rate, Enhance Damage, Enhance Accuracy Set Categories: Pet Damage Level 26 Power: - Arachnobot Summon Arachnobot Level 32 Power: - Upgrade Drone Ranged, Upgrade Arachnos Henchman (into the higher forms)
  10. Hello, This is my first post here and I don't know if anyone has suggested this, but have an Idea for a New Mastermind Primary Power Pool. I just want to start with... Thank you so much for bringing back my beloved game! One of the things I always thought about when playing City of Villains (where they introduced the Mastermind), was that the prestige classes you gained access to, should have had an Arachnos Mastermind. There are Arachnos robots that would have been perfect for this in the form of the Spiderlings, Arachnos Drones, and the Arachnobot. The Power Pool could have those 3 as the Henchmen summons, with the last power (the 2nd power-up for henchmen), being the better versions (Advanced Spiderlings/Arachnobot Blasters, Arachnos Drone Coordinators, and the Arachnobot Disruptor) The Weapon used would be the Nullifier Mace that the Arachnos Troopers carry (maybe use the tech maces/magic maces for cosmetic differences, like you can do with most of the Mastermind gun powers) The Powers in this power pool would be comparable to the equivalent powers from the other Mastermind Power Pools. Level 1 Powers: - Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term. - Spiderlings Summon Spiderlings Level 2 Power: - Mace Beam Blast Ranged, Area of Effect, High Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term. Level 6 Power: - Equip Drones Ranged, Equip Arachnos Henchman Level 8 Power: - Venom Grenade Ranged, (Damage over Time, Toxic) Foe -Damage, -Recharge The poisonous gas has severely weakened your attacks and Slowed your attack speed. Level 12 Power: - Arachnos Drone Summon Arachnos Drones Level 18 Power: Spiderlings Swarm (Reskin of the Thug's Gang War) Summon Calls a Swarm of 10 or so Spiderlings to come to your aid for a brief while. Swarms are not like your true Henchman. They cannot be given direct commands, nor will they appear in your pet window. You must select an enemy target to attack first before calling these Drones. Swarms are many, but they are very weak, and are only equipped with the most basic weapons. Although they will follow you, they are not as loyal as your Henchmen, and they will only stick around for a few minutes before taking off. Recharge: Very Long Minimum Level: 18 (Mastermind) Effects: Summon Swarm (Calls approximately 10 Drones) Enhancements: Reduce Endurance Cost, Increase Attack Rate, Enhance Damage, Enhance Accuracy Set Categories: Pet Damage Level 26 Power: - Arachnobot Summon Arachnobot Level 32 Power: - Upgrade Drone Ranged, Upgrade Arachnos Henchman (into the higher forms)
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