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Everything posted by AndrewM

  1. Like it says in the title. Is there a necessitating reason why our characters/toons/whatever-your-preferred-term-is make like cut-rate Steve Austins (the $6M Man) when we chase after escaping enemies? Normal easy motion until one breaks and we chase after, and all of a sudden our toon is wading hip-deep through frozen molasses. It is pretty much the only thing in the game that I find even slightly annoying, but that annoyance is predicated on the fact I can't see any good reason for it and I get bolshy about arbitrary and meaningless decisions.
  2. It IS a big deal, and Disney are neither here nor there. Marvel's own legal people have historically been notorious for jumping from a great height in size 15 hobnailed boots onto anyone and anything that they believe is infringing on Marvel's IPs and the Marvel 'Brand' -think worst case scenario where Marvel IPs are concerned and then keep well away if you want a quiet life. Hell, even the word 'marvel' included in a character name has been known to set them off (it's why Alan Moore's version of 'Marvelman' became 'Miracleman' back in the day, shortly after it began its original run in Quality Communications' 'Warrior Magazine'. Ironically the creatives in the Marvel bullpen had just raved about the strip in print, and even before the ink dried the company lawyers had jumped on Quality and its publisher, Dez Skinn, over the character name). Personally I'm tempted to have a quiet word with anyone I see blatantly infringing IP -and then -being chickenshit- immediately realising my 2 cents-worth is almost certain to be taken the wrong way by the player stops me saying anything. But I beam hard thoughts at them telepathically to try and prompt them to spontaneously modify the toon away from such blatant IP infringement.
  3. Previously reported with ticket in-game (#27642) and GM Crumpet asked that I report it here. Redside Reunion. Currently have a thumbtack marking a location in Oil Spill in Port Oakes where Hellions are gathered as my toon was defeated with 2 more Hellions to beat for current mission. Upon exiting the hospital I initially followed the navigation indicator towards the thumbtack but realised it was leading me towards Dockside instead of Oil Spill. I've cancelled the thumbtack and reinstated it a couple of times now and every time the thumbtack indicator in the Navigation interface continues to point me towards Dockside instead of Oil Spill. Not really a huge problem but figured you'd want to know about the glitch.
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