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  1. Recluse’s Victory Heavyset- in front of one of the Arachnos heavies (possibly the one under the overpass). You have dragged one of Arachnos’ Heavy Blasters into battle. It did the kicking, you did the screaming. Cataphraction- in front of one of the Freedom Corps heavies. You have brought the fight to Recluse and his minions with the help of a Freedom Corps Cataphract. It did the bigger fraction of the fighting.
  2. Whatever happened to Carp Melee...?
  3. For the record, I play redside- I don't have those options available to me.
  4. I have no problem admitting to using farming on my first 50 since homecoming popped up. I tried levelling 'the normal way' as so many people suggest, and I was on some TERRIBLE teams. Like, REALLY terrible. When I realised that I could do it myself, and quite efficiently, I did. I wasn't using one of the ambush maps, so I did run into the aggro cap at times. I do still find it amusing when it happens: just ignore the explosion of flames and that charring smell- it doesn't concern you... I understand that the server resources are limited (hopefully less so with the upcoming move), but I also saw Tempest's comments in discord which seemed very much opposed to ae farming at all. This is something that bothers me. If the server can't handle it-fine. If the devs want to dictate how people play- that does ruffle my feathers. Especially now that players are funding the servers. I really hope that this can be smoothed over soon™, and look forward to having more options.
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