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  1. A no fx version of the earth armor powerset... its ruining the rocky gargoyle fascade of my main. Other than that... no costs for continued existence(no sub costs.) All powers and stuff remain unlocked or purchaseable for existing in game currency. Ability to respec from full scratch (tankers can become brutes or masterminds etc)
  2. Is it possible to separate the ground trail auras (Leaf path, rainbow, cracking pavement) from the other auras? I have a magic based character thats basically a freed golem. I use the victorian aura for his magical self but would like to add the cracking pavement at the same time. My understanding is that its only one or the other.
  3. Hey all... First off.... loving everything youve managed to pull off thus far. I wonder if there has been any movenent on the NCsoft negotiation front. Itd be a shame to have to lose everything you guys are building. I know discussions were being had. Wondering where they are at.
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