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Posts posted by Dolla

  1. I got a WillPower Scrapper that I soft capped defense on. But having been defense debuffed a couple of times I got to wondering if you can improve DDR with any of the Pool or Epic powers? I do have 1 power the gives DDR but it's not enough.

    Any suggestions to improve DDR?


  2. Quote

    2024-02-25 10:49:21 You activated the Storm Cell power.
    2024-02-25 10:49:22 Your attack rate has been increased.
    2024-02-25 10:49:22 HIT Storm Blaster1 Your Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge power is autohit.
    2024-02-25 10:49:22 Storm Blaster1 HITS you! Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge power was autohit.

    This is how it shows in chatlog.


    The knockdown procs I slotted don't seem to work either tho.

  3. Thanx for the replies, the force feedback proc is what was/is confusing me. I slotted it and noticed it was consistent enough to keep it. But I heard procs dont work in these 2 powers.

    Since it's damage procs don't work but Force Feedback does I wonder if Overwhelming Force knockdown proc would?  Overwhelming set bonuses are good for my build to.

    Oh and Ragnarok has a knockdown proc too,hmm

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