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  1. This is Seraphim. I apparently saved her powers accidentally and not her costume so that probably disqualifies her lol. Featuring this double helmet wing look I really enjoy. If the angel wings are Too Much I like her without them as well, just having the helmet be the reference.
  2. I’m not sure which sounds they replace them with, but I think I saw a mod for specifically the sonic power sounds in the CoH Modder application so maybe they’ll have what you’re looking for 🙂
  3. Hello! I would really appreciate it if the interactions with Dean McArthur when you are a woman character had a revisit. They are *really* overt sexual harassment. I was playing with my friend and he said yeah, if you’re a dude, he just compliments you a lot. I brought up in Discord that you wouldn’t have over racism in the game so why would this be okay? Someone countered that there’s 5th Column/Council. I would say there’s a difference between saying, “This group is obviously a reference to some fucked up shit, go beat them up” and “We will have you choose your race when you build your character and if you are ethnically Jewish we will have the 5th Column say offensive things to you.”
  4. Not sure if this happens on other ATs or if it is purposeful. My Stalker’s Crystal Armor has a sound that’s five tones repeating over and over as long as the power is active. It’s quite grating and I have to turn my game sound off to avoid it any time I’m on that character. I would love an option, maybe where you customize the colors and looks of powers, to turn that off, or to just have it changed to doing the noise once when you activate the armor. thanks!
  5. Praetorian art is much more cheerful and less abstract! 3/10. I mean, did they just blow up and crop a postcard?
  6. Been playing a lot with my SG so don't stop to take photos, so I've been a bit quiet! Have you noticed that when you're in an office building to fight DE, there are potted plants all over? There is also nature based art on the wall! 10/10 for being extra enough to change the art out of the entire lair to be themed with your look. Make it 11/10 for also decorating with essentially living mannequins of your race.
  7. Bonus art! A literal dead body, in an office building where I'm essentially killing ghosts. Too on the nose, 4/10.
  8. Here we have the same theme of the three objects, this time in color. Either that or it's grown mold. 2/10.
  9. Okay, I legit just really like this one. The sun looks like it's actually glowing. Which I guess technically it is. 10/10
  10. Very lofi, very on trend. 9/10
  11. Not quite a review, just an 11/10 for the size of this painting in a maybe 20x20 foot room. Maybe the workers were hoping they would get crushed along with their desk?
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