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Posts posted by ZeroSaint

  1. My solo project is an AR/Dev Blaster.   I've actually had to up my difficulty to +2 level just to keep from getting bored.  Mainly running missions and TF's here and there.   I have to say I also like the built in stealth power with Dev so that I can speed through some missions when I'm just in the mood to get them done.

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  2. This is a weird one and not necessarily in-game, but I remember the old Forums back at launch AND I remember the original "Kill Skuls" thread- because when it happened we were all making stupid early memes and dropping them into the thread.   It was just absolutely a hilarious slice of "The way the internet was" and for some reason almost 20 years later it still makes me laugh.  The original forums were a thing to behold,  just such a wild and wonderful community.

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  3. Hey all!  I don't know why but I randomly rolled a WM/EA this past weekend and as an AT I've never even come close to considering, I absolutely love it.   I will fully acknowledge that making builds is something I not only don't like to do but am really terrible at.   There's an older build that I used up until 22 but I'm at that point where I'm going to slot in my first basic IO set.   Ultimately I'll have a budget between 100-150 million for this character.   I'm mostly doing Soloing/TFs.   There's specific I'm looking for other than SJ for travel.  (One last thing because I'm a wretched Mac player who can't Mids, I'd love a long form Mids if anyone has one).


    Thank you so much,  I know this is kind of an odd/big ask, but I really want to put some work into making this a long term character.   

  4. 3 hours ago, Apogee said:

    The joy of this game is that it allows for many different styles of gameplay.  Removing or nerfing a form of play into oblivion is not a viable option.  For every team only player there is a solo only player, for every farmer there is an never-have-I-ever-farmed player.  For every Yomo there are...well, everyone else.


    Personally, I like to farm sometimes, I like to solo TF's, I love running through goldside.  About the only time I team is when I happen to be available to fight Hami, otherwise I run strictly solo.  These are my personal preferences and they probably differ from yours and that is okay.  I just want to play the game.


    Absolutely-  and again-  I am more looking to see the Farm Spam disappear.   Because it gets absurd at times.   Though I was lamenting farming-  you are 100% accurate. People are free to play how they play.   My editorialization was definitely *me* editorializing.   

  5. So I was on the fence about posting this because I'm newish to the forums and it's going to obliterate my reputation, but:   My "Other" option is AE Farm Spam.   I get that people want to level their alts.  I do.  But there are so many ways to do it that actually involve... y'know, playing the game.   Even if you want to DFBx3>Posi1>Posi2>Yin with 2xp, you're good.   Hell... do DFBx3 and a FF and you'll be 22 there in like 2 hours.   It's just so frustrating to see an endless parade of "Lvl 1 'X' LF FF"


    I know it's a tenuous topic, and at the end of the day I don't begrudge people trying to get funds.  I guess I just don't understand why people play to not play.  


    BUT. if that IS what people want to do-  I wish there was some dedicated channel to ask rather than filling up LFG.   SO-  a tiny issue overall, but it is my "Other".


    I also acknowledge that this is knee-jerk for me because mission architect was where I left in live when basically the entirety of my server stopped doing anything but running WW farm stories.

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  6. Hey there!  I'm going off of this build for right now but I haven't had much time to get into it so I'd love to know your thoughts out see what you suggest.  Thank you!





  7. I've played one up through 24 using a build dropped in a thread around here somewhere (I can't get Mids to export on my Mac, but the .mdb is attached.   So far, with generic IO's slotted at 24, it hits like a monster truck -  great on End and no deaths running +2. (I'm actually going to bump up as it's getting a little boring).


    So-  so far so good.  I picked up P2W grenades to make up for the lack of AOE/Cone  until 18.

    Sentinel (Psychic Blast - Regeneration).mbd

  8. 5 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    I dislike having to rush from one foe to the next on melee toons, so I made stalker with four different combat TPs, three of which also do damage.  That was pretty lazy.  I love it.


    Is this and Electric / Shield Scrapper?  

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  9. Thanks all.  I went back and forth over SD and Invuln.   I think I am going to go with the latter and use one of @Snarky's builds that was posted a month ago (though it's probably more than I'll have Inf for - for a while, but like I said, I'm slow boating it so all good)!


    Appreciate it!


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  10. Hey all,  I'm looking to take a break from a long Stalker project I've been working on and want to try running a Brute primarily solo.  I've always wanted to do SS and so I'm going to go for it- no xp bonus (I'm poor so I want to earn some money) running each TF at least once for badges/merits.  I'm looking for a good secondary with the caveat that I'm not the biggest fan of power sets with effects (Dark/Rad etc) that can't be set to minimal.  EA rides the line a bit as it can be pretty toned down.   Appreciate thoughts here.

  11. 22 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    You're welcome. That version is not the highest DPS and most survivable one, as it has been improved, hehe 🤗


    Thank you so much for that-  It took me a long time to parse it out and I have to admit that I'm playing the "Poor Man's Version" of it, but it really is my favorite character I've made since my original scrapper at launch.

  12. On 7/2/2023 at 11:48 AM, Riot Siren said:


    Dual Blades: I think people sleep on this one, my main is DB and let me tell you the ST damage it can pump out is nearing EM levels and the AoE is hard to beat. The Sweep combo fits snugly into your single target rotation and add a large AoE to one of your main attacks, the two cones you get are also very powerful and not that hard to line up, Sweeping strike in particular has AMAZING DPA for a single target attack let alone a AoE.




    This so so so much.   My DB/EA stalker is a straight murder machine.   I found an old post that I worked with to just really make this my favorite toon.  (The old post is a wild one too because the OP actually deleted all references to the build, it was by the grace of someone quoting them that I found it at all).  TLDR:  I ❤️ MY Dual Blades Stalker.

  13. Hey all, there was a thread on Reddit yesterday that piqued my interest enough to come up with a character concept for a Plant/Dark Dom.  I looked around a bit this morning but couldn't find any builds and I fully acknowledge that I am absolutely awful at figuring builds out (I can extrapolate some but I know this forum is full of excellent theory crafters).  Does anyone have anything lying around?  (I'll also add that I'm fairly inf poor so ... just keeping that in mind).


    Thank you in advance for any thoughts!

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  14. As everyone has said so far, "Favorite" will always be subjective, but my live toon, and the one I came back to loving *again* after returning to HC (I'm back again after a couple of years off) was my Katana/SR.   She just 'feels' fast.  Between the quick attack animations of the Katana, and the speed bonuses of SR,  running in "Ninja Run". I feel blindingly quick.  For some reason that always makes the game "Go go go" for me.


    I guess that says a lot more about me though.  My mains were a Kin Def and my Kat/SR.   I think I'm just addicted to the speed force.


    I'll never not love my original gal from live.  This is anecdotal love of a forever scrapper, but love nonetheless.  Hope this is worth something! 




    EDIT Didn't realize this was a necro'd thread!   DOH


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