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Posts posted by Pigfighter

  1. I have a Lvl 50 Storm/Storm Defender and I'm trying to figure out the best powers to use and how to slot him.  I'm using the Mad King's build for the storm powers but so far Storm Blast seems a bit lackluster.  Since its not in mids yet, The powers I took are:


    Storm Cell


    Direct Strike


    Category Five

    Chain Lightning


    Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.

  2. On 10/24/2019 at 2:06 PM, Doomrider said:

    UPDATE 04.23.2023: Due to a recent decision by the on-going development team behind this Fan Server, my "preferred playstyle", lets call it, is being stealth nerfed. As a result, my continued involvement in the community is uncertain.
    Thanks to everyone who supported this passion of mine for Kheld builds and have contributed to the community similarly, but everything comes to an end at some point. Pending any reversal of this stealth nerf, I don't intend on coming back to HC but we shall see.


    OK, what am I missing?  What stealth nerf are we talking about?

  3. Doomrider, I can't thank you enough for the time and effort you've put into these builds and sharing them with us!  I've been running your tri form proc build and he is an absolute beast!  I was finally able to spec out your PB Brawler build, also amazing!  Unfortunately I'm on a mac and can barely get MIDS to load let alone make a build.  I was wondering if you have a Bi-Form PB Dwarf build that you could post?  I usually play in small groups where I end of tanking most of the time so I need to be able to draw and hold at least a bit of agro.  Also I know most people don't take it but glowing touch is a must for character concept.  I really appreciate all you've done for Khelds and your builds have made my PB my favorite character!

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