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Everything posted by boskey

  1. Those say fire farming builds......I had requested NON fire farming builds........ thanks for the thought tho bud 😛
  2. boskey

    EM/WP ideas?

    I have not yet found the time to accolade hunt. It is on the agenda tho. Ya I am hitting that insane regen with baddies around me its very nice. Wolverine like even.... Currently working on knocking out the incarnates, but I have nothing to complain about.... I had all but given up on this char but I feel like I am a smidge more "super" then I was at the beginning of the day 😜
  3. boskey

    EM/WP ideas?

    I will say tho after more play time, the only thing that is rough is the endurance hog until I get ageless atleast. I am 5% away from unlocking ageless so that will solve that. Big endurance hog without ageless but if that is all I can say about it then I am doing A ok.
  4. boskey

    EM/WP ideas?

    Just an update....#1 dont ever try to use AH on a weekend during holiday season timeframe (3 mill enh costing 20 mill). #2 I am literally AFK typing this while sitting on an AE map with 12 baddies around me (minion/LT/Boss mix) and I am missing and regening enough to not care and type this. Thanks a ton Xan
  5. You are perfectly fine...... People have real life to deal with and the few that may have an answer may also be very preoccupied. That's why I just put my questions I ask on follow and notifications 🙂 Thank you tho TerroirNoir2
  6. boskey

    EM/WP ideas?

    This looks very interesting......if I am doing group content and I am concerned in the slightest I can always carry a couple orange inspirations to be safe. I am looking it over now to see if I can reroll this today! I love the idea of the Wolverine like regen so thank you for the ideas..... I will let you know in the next couple of days how it turned out!
  7. Does anyone have or know of a map I can use on my fire farmer when helping lowbies? I have a strong preference to the asteroid/moon map and want minions/LTs/Boss only no EBs for faster clear speed. Looking for page 5 updated with no -def sword attacks and max influence (64k boss). There are alot of maps that fit into that grouping but what I am finding is majority of the ones I keep testing all have either not been updated for page 5 or do not have max influence/XP or do not have a max mob density count. I have found a couple maps that are NOT asteroid/moon map, but I find my per hour speed vastly increases doing this map. When I am solo I strictly farm America's Angel afk and nonafk asteroid/moon map but I am not able to bring lowbies in there unfort unless they are all stalkers lol. Any suggestions? Thank you very much!
  8. boskey

    EM/WP ideas?

    Hey folks, I have a 50 em/willpower scrapper I am sitting on that I leveled with a few SO and IO enhancements. I am trying to see if anyone has a decent build they use and/or recommend? I plan to mostly focus as the EB/Boss killing scrapper so 90% of my stuff will be single target focused. side note: cold is here stay warm 🙂
  9. Love the ideas, thank you very much
  10. Thank you very much for taking the time to do this. I appreciate it a ton.
  11. I posted this under "Guides" which may not have been the correct spot. If so my mistake. I copied and pasted my post. Thank you folks. I need help from someone that is much smarter than myself. I have a rad/fire brute used for dun dun dun........ fire farming. I have invested a ton of blood sweat and tears into it, and I am trying to find a build I can swap to when doing Task Forces and whatnot. I know rad/fire is far less then optimal and I know I've read on the forums some people suggest not to make a second build on your farmer and just create a new one. I want one character for all my time invested. I am having brain fog when it comes to a build and here is where I am asking for help. I am trying to build an end all be all (within fire brute's limitations lol) for a powerhouse tank. I want to prioritize survivability over damage. I am perfectly fine with great defensives and mediocre offensives (yes, I know it's Fire and Fire is offensive oriented). If any of the giga brained amazing folks that are good at builds have any ideas and/or suggestions I would be forever indebted. Here is a request to be included for anyone that has time to help. - Travel Power combat jump/super jump Other than that, I am open to suggestions. Thank you very much folks
  12. boskey

    APP Spreadsheet

    Thank you for this. I have been searching for something similar to this since I do not have every single class I could not see all the stuff. Much obliged
  13. I need help from someone that is much smarter than myself. I have a rad/fire brute used for dun dun dun........ fire farming. I have invested a ton of blood sweat and tears into it, and I am trying to find a build I can swap to when doing Task Forces and whatnot. I know rad/fire is far less then optimal and I know I've read on the forums some people suggest not to make a second build on your farmer and just create a new one. I want one character for all my time invested. I am having brain fog when it comes to a build and here is where I am asking for help. I am trying to build an end all be all (within fire brute's limitations lol) for a powerhouse tank. I want to prioritize survivability over damage. I am perfectly fine with great defensives and mediocre offensives (yes, I know it's Fire and Fire is offensive oriented). If any of the giga brained amazing folks that are good at builds have any ideas and/or suggestions I would be forever indebted. Here is a request to be included for anyone that has time to help. - Travel Power combat jump/super jump Other than that, I am open to suggestions. Thank you very much folks
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