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  1. Not sure if this was touched on in the upcoming update, but there's a piece of grassy terrain that's raised on one side (floating) in Croatoa near the Monorail station. /thumbtack 1022.0 -3.6 2680.9
  2. I don't know how often people talk about this, though I'm sure people have before already, but something that's always bothered me is the Shield Defense idle stance. When you have your shield out (so, all the time) you're always in a combat stance and never "resting" in an idle stance, which is actually a big reason why I never play shield characters--although I've tried and am trying again because I want to like it more than my dislike for the idle stance, lol. Could the combat stance be replaced with one of the other idle animations, such as the neutral stance? I'll have to double check the name but I think it's called neutral stance, and with it you just have your hands to your side and you look side to side occasionally. However, I feel like this would've been an obvious choice if they could do that already, so why is it that the combat stance was chosen as the idle stance? I feel like there's an obstacle getting in the way for some reason, in regard to coding/implementing in a difference stance... maybe? Also no, I'm not looking for the reply "Just manually use the emotes," as it doesn't answer my questions nor does it solve the issue that I'm talking about.
  3. In Port Oakes, near the East-side Ferry, the stairs are shifted up/out a little, [-1366.6 48.0 1476.6]
  4. I don't remember it being like that when I first originally went there (Croatoa) on Homecoming (2022 or something when I first joined), since I like to get all the badges there. Unless I was just completely oblivious to it on my first few characters when I was getting badges. We'll see what happens to it :V
  5. In Croatoa, the little river and lake on the right side of the map are lifted up on the edges, which can be seen with that weird gray outline on the edges, /loc -2187.4 -31.7 1059.6
  6. Would it be possible to make it so that you can drop more than 10 things at a time in the Auction House? Let's say if we could drop 20, 30, 40 items at at a time, could that work? If it's not possible to drop that many in clumps together in the Auction House, then would it be possible to drop that many at once, but then once they're dropped into the Auction house they're divided and stored into groups of 10 (like how we have it now)? So, if I was to drop 20 of something into the Auction House for example, it would break up into two groups of 10. I think I remember this being talked about before, but what about the second part of what I said--would it be possible at all?
  7. I'm really hoping that the stuff I'll be mentioning could possibly be implemented into the beta, as it doesn't seem like it'd be too, too much, but I have a couple small personal suggestions to a new favorite AT of mine : D I don't know how often these topics I'll be mentioning about have been discussed already--probably a bit I'd imagine for a couple, but I would like to bring them up since I'll be dealing with these issues from now on... One thing I've mentioned in a post over a year ago or so, is the ability for a "No FX Eyes" option for Warshade toggles. The reason I mention this is because, the Warshade eye aura can look a little goofy to me on most my character themes that I try coming up with, especially with the tiny pupil that appears, and it covers almost the entire face of the character--I'd rather use the Tendril aura or something else for the eyes, so that I can still see my character's face, while still having some sort of aura. Another suggestion of mine would be for the Dark Extraction power to have a 100% overall summon rate instead of a 80, 90% overall summon rate, which sometimes happens if the dead npc you're choosing has been out cold for a little too long--even though it's still selectable. It's a little fix that'd I'd appreciate, and I'm sure others would too. Once the ability activates I feel like it should always be able to summon the pet. -Another small change that would be cool, is if you could color the Dark Extraction summon itself. While you can color the ability, it just allows you to change the color of the summoning animation, as well as the attack powers that the Dark Extraction uses, but the Dark Extraction itself stays its original purple color. It'd be cool if the Dark Extraction pet itself could have its color changed. Additionally, please would it be possible to change the knockback chance from Dark Detonation and Dark Nova Detonation, and maybe Quasar (etc.) to a knockdown chance instead? I only listed the first two as a compromise incase changing the majority or all of them from knockback to knockdown was too much. I feel like all the AoE abilities of Warshade are knockback--there's 5 that knockback, which is quite annoying and it wastes multiple enhancement slots if you don't want your enemies to go flying everywhere since you have to insert multiple Sudden Accelerations: Knockback to Knockdown. I've played many other ATs, but this is the first where I've had to basically waste up to 5 enhancement slots--Warshades seem a little slot starved as it is so far to me. Oh how I beg these changes could be implemented into the beta and make it into the final update haha. What are other people's thoughts on these few random things?
  8. In Boomtown, there's a section of a wall that isn't sealed to the ground, so there's a gap where you can see through the map, /loc -3891.4 26.0 841.2 Edit: I looked around me a little more and it happens to be the ENTIRE set of walls in the area of this location, not just this one part of the wall.
  9. Huzzah Villains
  10. (Just replying to this so it can be brought to the front again--"No FX" for the toggles that add the eye effects, as well as what Seraphim mentioned :D)
  11. For the Controller, as I'm not sure if the same problem occurs with the Dominator version, the Phantasm entity has a few different abilities--one of them being a "Decoy Phantasm" summon. This Decoy summon doesn't match the color of the original though, if you were to have changed its color that is. The Decoy summon is always the Original color. I'm assuming that this is a bug, but if it's not a bug, then it's just something that was missed when editing color changes for this powerset.
  12. I've noticed for a bit now, but there are some missions where the NPCs that follow you spaz out--it's like they're trying to run in range of you but that exact destination of theirs is still out of bounds for them, due to the player's hitbox, thus they spaz out... I know that this happens a lot with Twin Shot's missions and I'm seeing that it happens a lot with Dr. Graves' missions. For example, the mission "Register for Dr. Graves's tournament," Dr. Graves and Zephyr spaz out constantly. Scirocco spazzes out in a later mission too, and so forth... which kind of ruins the atmosphere for me, personally. The same thing happens with Twin Shot and that Flame(something) lady in the first Twin Shot mission arc, etc. Would be nice if the random, spazzy NPCs could get fixed at some point.
  13. Something that I noticed when trying to make some super hero/villain tight costumes, is that when choosing a boot and then selecting the middle layer (which selects the material of your boot, if there is an option to do so) to choose either Tights or Tights Sleek, the sole of the boot is always a light gray. (E.g.: Platforms using Tights for its material) I'm not sure if this is a costume bug or if this was intentional--not having the bottom match with the rest of the colors, since I kind of understand if you'd want to provide some sort of sole to the boot after "it" removes the original (with Tights or Tights Sleek), though sadly you can't change the color. I've had times where I wanted to use Flat (feet) with Tights, but then it just looks like I'm wearing some footie pajamas...
  14. Something that I noticed when messing with the Bottoms with Skin, was that for Female body types at least, the thigh would shrink when choosing from A LOT of the various leg options for some reason. I'm not sure if this is a costume bug or something intentional, but just in case, I must report this thigh violation. The sizing of the picture is off a little, but as you can see, the left picture (using Bikini 1) has a full thigh, which hides the crotch from the side. The picture on the right (using Bikini 3) is missing a chunk of the thigh, which allows the crotch to be seen from the side. You can also see the steeper jagged point near the bottom of the thigh, which makes it seem even less natural. A small list of leg pieces from Bottoms with Skin that reduce the thigh are: Bikini 2 & 3, Angelic, Angelic Plus, Assassin, Athletic Shorts, Baroque, Blast, Disco, Hacker, Heart, Heart Plus, Holes, and so forth... (Bug or not, hopefully the full thigh can be restored--looks a little weird knowing that a chunk is missing)
  15. I was just wondering, and hoping, if the Static Shield power in the Electric Armor powerset could receive a "No Pulse" FX option (bright/dark). I don't know what it is, but it messes with my eyes a little (little uncomfortable) when trying to look at my character (any side) and I would love if I had the option to turn the pulsing on/off. Perhaps other people would like such an option as well.
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