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Posts posted by ZEdglord

  1. Earlier today, almost every unprotected networks in the Rogue Isles briefly went out. Television, radios, phones, connected fridges, propaganda boards, everything. Then, from the sudden blackout, came a face, and a voice. Long, white hair covering half the face, golden targeting monocles on one eye, grey irises dancing with gelded datastreams.


    "Greetings ! Rogues, Vigilantes, Villains, anything in-between ! I have an... offer. An opportunity, that most of you will like to hear. I am looking for someone. Someone who is adept at magic, one way or another. Who would be willing to sometimes get their hands dirty, sometimes not. I pay well. Very well. I do prefer permanent employement, but... we all know the realities of our line of work. Come one, come all. Look for Nano."

    The message feed is quickly cut off from the network, Arachnos' logo briefly flickering whilst the feed is being rerouted. Then all goes back to normal.

    ((Character name is Nanocrash, Global is Exiliath.))

  2. On 4/29/2022 at 6:53 AM, DoctorDitko said:

    Controllers are low damage output, especially at the lower levels.


    Containment is essential! Get in the habit of firing off a control before you go for the damage. It's not quite double, but near enough.


    P2W is your friend here. In addition to the procs, grab all the freebie damage powers you can eat. Blackwand and Nemesis lollipop are both great, especially if your origin matches, and the lollipop does KB! Don't forget the debuffs: Envenomed Dagger costs inf, but has excellent debuffage. Reducing a target's Resistance by 50% is close to doubling your own damage.


    Eat your candy. The Inspirations drop for a reason, and you don't have room for many. Munch them like a '70s stoner in a 7-11.


    And... Sorcery. It has a special synergy with Control sets. Time things right, and you can do almost triple damage, with an Arcane Empowered, Contained, Arcane Bolt. It is a thing of beauty. Add some good debuffs, and you can mow 'em down with the best of them.


    Enjoy my favorite AT, a little patience and it may become yours, too!

    Good hunting!

    Thanks, I have played a bit more and I've started to grasp how containement works and how it effectively gives damage increases. This whole post helped me a lot, honestly.

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  3. On 4/27/2022 at 5:18 AM, UltraAlt said:


    I'm being lazy and not reading through all the posts.

    Controller's special power is Containment. When you have Containment on a target, your other primary power do additional damage.


    I think all ranged characters that are soloing should pull and not rush in.

    You can also get teleport target so you can pull one at a distance (and at a time) until the mob is a more manageable size.


    walls have 100% resistance and defense, so you want to immobilize a bunch at once, try to be in a position so only a couple can target you once they are immobilized.


    fall back/run as necessary.


    Phantom Army is your damage.


    Oh, and why aren't you teaming up?

    Soloing is okay sometimes, but the glory and true power of this game is in teaming.

    Thank you for the run down.
    I don't team up because I have absolutely no interesting in teaming up. That's about it really.

  4. On 4/22/2022 at 6:09 PM, TNT said:

    If you like button pushing you are a few years too late.  There was a time when most buffing powers needed to be applied to every team mate and minion individually. Just think about how many buffs a level 50 force field mastermind on an eight man team would need to cast   It wasn't the number of abilities so much but needing to click just one shield up to 14 times.   


    Those were the days. Good times.  

    Sounds both fun and kinda awful at the same time !

  5. 15 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:

    If you're going to solo with this class, in most cases I think the solution is to fight as many enemies as a time as you think you can handle, at a low difficult setting, probably with bosses turned off. -1 x3 is probably a reasonable setting for a semi-built Troller to handle, but it depends on the sets. A few of them are kind of apoplectic too. For example, Electric Control has excellent solo control of average sized groups, but low damage. So Electric on its own is a slow soloist, but e.g. Electric/Trick Arrow makes up for some of it.


    Controllers (and Dominators) are meant to handle big groups of enemies at a time. Their Controls are only up every 90-120 seconds prior to Recharge enhancements. That drives a strategy built around taking on lots of stuff.


    Specifically, what you're looking for is the ability to make inspirations rain down on the character. You want fast inspiration churn so you can chug down reds, purples, and blues to keep yourself pressing forward. Bosses provide good XP but also slow down your inspiration rate. Once you've found a setting with good inspiration rain, you can try increasing the number of enemies. I'd increase up to x8 before I'd increase the level. Having more enemies you can mow down quickly will give you a lot more inspirations than adding +difficulty will.

    I might try that ! I tend to not see the point of Trick Arrow (though I never played it myself) because it seems to just be more control, and no damage - though I guess with Procs that can change.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

    Another obvious aspect is that all Controllers sans Mind also become easier to do damage once a pet gets involved. Once Controllers open up Epics at 35, they will get more direct damage attacks as well. They can, if needed, add in something like Arcane Bolt for additional damage. Saying that, soloing them will be on the slower side than other ATs. However, they can do it rather safely as I can have a Controller go through mobs without taking any damage at times. The point isn't damage. The point is control and debuffs/buffs/heals. I don't think I have rolled a Controller on HC which I don't it couldn't solo if need be. Honestly, a big con for soloing a Controller is managing the end to do so which may take some time to get down.

    I understand that the point isn't damage, but if you don't do damage, you're never clearing anything. This isn't at all a speedrun toon or anything of the sort. It's just being able to kill three ennemies without dying. But at very low level there probably isn't much to do against that.

  7. 38 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:



    Here's an example of procs in a power:





    Holds like Char that have a fast animation speed are ideal for damage procs, because the fast cast speed means a high DPA. In this case, average damage is about 317 per cast. With the anim time of 1.07 seconds, that's a DPA of 296. That's high for an 8 second recharge power. 


    Keep in mind, damage from procs are averages. Each proc has a chance to fire. On average, the damage will work out to an additional +317. But, sometimes it could be as high as +534, or as low as +0. That's the nature of chance.

    Oh, okay ! That's so much more clear to me. Gotcha, so I need enhancements to proc those effects. I guess my vision is morphed because of the early levels gameplay.

  8. 6 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:

    It's going to depend a lot on the sets involved.


    Gravity is probably the smoothest ride. Lift does extremely good damage for a Controller. Propel does decent, not outstanding, damage. I think level 2 Gravity Controllers may have the highest single target DPA of any character in that level range just because of how hard Lift hits with Containment.


    Fire and Mind Controllers both have very fast casting single target holds that can be procced out for good damage in the ~250 DPA range.


    Plant Control's Roots power does double the damage of the other AoE immobilizes. It's actually as good as a Defender's Explosive Blast, but with double the area of effect and half the recharge.  Carrion Creepers is a proc monster that delivers substantial damage.


    Fire Control's Hot Feet does about the same damage of a free Fireball cast every 10 seconds. 


    Dark Control takes -ToHit sets, which makes all of the powers very procc'able.



    On the secondary side, a few sets stand out for Damage. Kinetics, of course. Also Trick Arrow and Storm. More subtly, Nature provides a big +Damage boost. Cold Domination can proc out Infrigidate.  


    One trap to avoid: You probably want to skip the Controller single target blast available in most APPs. They are mostly not very good. If you need an additional single target blast, you're often better off taking the T1 immobilize power, which typically recharge in 4 seconds, and are available from level 1.  


    Does that mean you just spam two/three powers for damage all the way through ? I think I'm used to a different definition of what a Proc is. A proc is an effect that happens off another effect. How do those do damage on Controller ?

  9. 6 hours ago, Frozen Burn said:


    Oh, there are SO many that you would want.  Aggressive, Defensive, Passive, Goto, Stay, Follow, and many many more.  You'll want them for each minion, group of minions, and all of them.  


    The thread in the link below is just a GLIMPSE into what a Mastermind's trays might be like.  Search for other Mastermind guides and command lists and you'll find how involved and complicated it can get - to properly play one, that is.  🙂 



    I'll look through that ! Thanks for the tip.

  10. 5 hours ago, Zepp said:

    My Ill/Storm troller has a lot of buttons, but a tri-form Kheld is probably the most complex (if you build it that way). I have so many keybinds on my Kheld that it feels simple even while doing a lot.


    If you want to be busy, you may also want to try a secondary-focused corrupter...

    I wanted to try a controller but their damage output seems quite weak... maybe I thought wrong ?

  11. 5 hours ago, Zepp said:

    My Ill/Storm troller has a lot of buttons, but a tri-form Kheld is probably the most complex (if you build it that way). I have so many keybinds on my Kheld that it feels simple even while doing a lot.


    If you want to be busy, you may also want to try a secondary-focused corrupter...

    I was interested in Kheldians but they felt quite weak and fragile early game... guess I must have thought wrong ! Look like big fun though.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Rejolt said:

    You can have too many attacks to worry about so that you might want to focus on a certain combo in melee/aoe/or at range.

    However, you tend to have only one job to worry about. I know I've had too much to think about on some Controller/Mastermind/Defender builds.

    I can handle it. I don't mind having what one would consider "too many buttons" !

  13. 9 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said:

    Welcome to City of Heroes!! 


    Yes, Blasters generally have a lot.  You have your primary for attacks and your secondary is more attacks & utility powers to help keep you somewhat alive.  Strong offense is best defense!!


    But still, a properly played Mastermind would have even more buttons (in addition to Primary/secondary/pool powers) with all the command macros you would want to make for proper command of your minions.  

    Wouldn't you just want one for "attack this target", and the ones to change into Offense/Defensive mode ? What others would you need ?

  14. Hi all, first post here.

    Basically title. I'm a big fan of MMO's like Everquest 2 or Lord of the Rings Online, where you have a bazillion abilities in your hotbars.

    Now, I know COH obviously isn't this, and I'm well aware of that fact, and I'm not trying to make it into something it isn't. I was however curious to know if Blaster is the closest to "having a million buttons" you can get. If it is not, I'd be happy to hear what is !

    (PS : I know Masterminds have a lot to deal with but in terms of buttons they themselves press it's a bit too little for my taste... but maybe I just didn't make the right build yet.)

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