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Posts posted by Go0gleplex

  1. Well...Shot can be both for Chance or Try which includes opportunity, time, slap, stab, whack and whirl as well as a Discharge of ammunition.   Chip can be a slice, flake, or fragment among other things as well as the act of chop, crack, hack, nick, splinter, or whack.


    So given that; Blaster with a Assault rifle or Pistols and Time or a Brute with Mace, Axe, or Broadsword and ??? or Tanker with ??? and Axe/Mace/Sword or a Corruptor with Assault rifle or Pistols and Time Manipulation.  Assuming you're going for a mostly literal name-powerset match. 

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  2. Sounds like something more suited to an actual day job than a game. Seriously.  Gotta agree with the majority...it's a terrible idea. Far too many variables to account for and more likely to kill the PUG runs totally other than for the hardcore farmer/grinder players. I get the frustration...I think we've almost all been there but penalties ain't the answer. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Depending on whose take on it you prefer, the followon is either today or tomorrow -- the 'Revenge of the 5th' or 'The Revenge of the 6th'.

    Revenge of the 6th...for all those 5th's imbibed. 😉 lol

  4. Destroyed City in this particular context could mean that it has ceased being able to function as a city in terms of supporting survivors, providing services, and just being something other than every person for themselves. 

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  5. Well...for your Tanker;  Official colors of Ukraine are Blue and Gold in that order...Titanium is a very strong metal and light weight...Titan can play off of this so maybe Blue Titan which in Ukrainian (per google translate) would be Blakytnyy Tytan.  Or you could go with Blue Tytan. 


    I share your pain with the ocular beam scarcity. Energy Mastery has an eye beam power which is just the red version of the x-ray beam. 


    So...if Energy blaster...based on solar collection....and a good portion of Canada speaks French; maybe Capitaine Prisme (Captain Prism); or something like Solar Beam (Faisceau Solaire).  Or if feeling punny...maybe Maple Light if available. lol


  6. I've found that for most of humanity it is easier for them to hate something they either don't understand or that they feel some misplaced perception that they sit in some position of judgement over others...not that they have to live with the consequences of the choices others make for themselves. Especially when they rip things simply to make themselves feel as if they actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Such folks aren't usually worth the air it would take to argue with. 


    As I told my daughter...as long as whatever it is you or others are doing is not illegal, hurting someone, or putting lives at risk it's no one's business but yours/theirs. And the Homecoming folks have done little but the opposite of that in ensuring the continuance of something folks enjoy, generally smile about, and indulge a bit of their creativity.  Which of course is gonna drive the sour apples round the twist even tighter. 😉 

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  7. I cycle thru my alts fairly regularly...but of the bunch I'd have to say my faves currently are; 


    Major Holocaust - FM/RA Brute

    General Killerwatt - BR/EA Sentinel

    Frost Iron - DP/IM Blaster

    Sir Chopsalot - BA/EA Brute

    Psi-Lent - PB/TM Blaster

  8. It's all a security protocol to inconvenience Nemesis.


    Though I particularly like the ones where you enter in on the ground floor and descend five levels instead of going up. (It's that or the contractor put the arrow lights in upside down) :P 

  9. 2 hours ago, Ridiculous Girl said:

    says the person that has to substitute an 0 for an o to get a name... 😛

    ROFLMAO!   Actually that's deliberate and something I've used since the 1980's lass. It's for the eyes.  (o0)   Though it was also a misspelling I've never corrected and should've been Go0golplex as it was meant to be a subtle tongue-in-cheek joke... 1 (guy) followed by a whole lot of zeroes.  

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  10. Umm...OP does realize that many of the really coolest names are taken by assignment to NPC characters, yes? (Oo)  Granted there are more players than NPCs...but...😶

    And that the Devs had to make some naming concessions with the NPCs for the later expansions as not a few of the names considered originally were already in use by players...so I don't see it as a totally one way street here in people not getting the names they want vs what is available.

    The way the question is presented is similar to a kid yelling "are we there yet?!"...which gives the appearance of yet more entitled whining by someone unable to be creative outside of the box as it were in contextual appearance. Especially since this topic has come up many times before and discussed to dead horse levels. 

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  11. Without going into minutia and mechanics...just a general impression as I play; I don't find much difference between red side and blue side at all. Just different verbage used for very similar missions. It's rare that I even feel like I'm playing a villain vs a hero...probably because I'm focused on playing and the objective not so much the fluff text. I also don't really see any difference in difficulty but then again, I am a much more casual player than most folks here on the boards. 😉 The rob bank missions with a side of total destruction and robbing/kidnapping/arson are about the only time I see the villainy. 


    Though for a place supposedly ran by a powerful villainous organization and strong holds of others, there sure is a disproportionate amount of do-gooders (Longbow) wandering the streets in the Rogue Islands vs baddies all over Paragon if going by 'occupied foot print'. You'd think they'd be open season targets 24/7 when behind enemy lines. 

  12. Fire Melee/Rad Armor Brute blows thru mobs like tissue paper. Good defense, high offense, self-heal. 


    Psionic/Time Blaster with Hover does pretty darn good too. Sniper shot drops most yellows mobs and lower single shot. The self heal from the Time is all sorts of awesome once you get it. 

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