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Posts posted by Go0gleplex

  1. Phillips is a prime example of a villain whom has opted out when told "morality was optional".  Kinda fitting he's lurking in Recluse's shadow. Still...I've ran into worse both real life and fiction so I guess his insanity doesn't bother me as much as it does some, no offense intended folks. I find that for the most part, villainy has gotten pretty white-washed over the last 60 years or so with so many anti-heroes and rebels etc and most of the younger generations really don't have the same experience of looking real evil in the eyes outside of those unfortunate enough to be living around it. I guess that's why I don't see 90% of the red side missions as being more than just re-worded hero missions for context rather than any actual difference in action/result. 


    Still, all that said, I am surprised, given the general social climate, that CoV had the courage to put a character like Phillips and his twisted goals in the game. Props to that 'cause he really is easy to hate. 

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  2. Hero: Nuclonus - Elec/Rad Sentinel vs Villain: Major Holocaust - Fire/Rad Brute


    If the fight is in the open or terrain allowing sufficient vertical distance-

    Winner: Nuclonus who can hover outside of the Major's range and rain electricity down upon free and clear. 


    If the fight is in a confined space or such that there is little vertical distance available-

    Winner: Major Holocaust who can cause mass destruction with fist and flame. 


    Bit of a random thing though depending on Hero type though. Some match up better than others depending on powers and movement type such as Nuc who's a flyer vs the Major who's a Speedster. 

  3. Well...Tip missions aren't the only missions that have questionable grammar or plot writing in them as the OP points out. However, I don't see the point of worrying about much of it since this is a comic book style genre game. I mean...the writing isn't as questionable as some of the map layouts and buildings which in a more realistic world would never be laid out or built the way they are. Skyscrapers that develop more than a 20-25 degree lean are destined to collapse and fall yet there they stand all over Fault and Boom. *shrug* 


    Rather than worrying about writing, I can see taking advantage of the Tip missions to trigger 'instances' happening in response much like the Building Fire events. So say you go off to destroy Frosty's trophies...while that is happening, elsewhere in the city we have a mob of Frosty and friends suddenly causing mayhem in the streets (and the surrounding heroes on site swarm in to wipe 'em out). Kinda like a couple of the events in Nova....put down the protesters or keep the ghouls from having their mass break out. So if a particular Tip mission is dealt with 20 times or so, the reciprical event triggers.   



  4. I've noticed the mobs being a bit tougher to put down over the last few months...but nothing insurmountable. The biggest thing of note is even buffed my shots are whiffing a lot more than they had been. (I seem to lose accuracy when burning an Acc Insp even rather than gaining anything) I solo on default game difficulty all the time and even with the tweaks am not having much difficulty. I just have to take a little more time and make sure I take down the 'key' enemy in the group of mobs. Like nailing the Sky Raider Engineers first or burning the Vampyr or Galaxy down ASAP if present. Once the key guys are down, the rest fold like wet paper usually...so the mob boosts being made are seen only in me having to make three or four hits vs two or three. That said...what's a real drag for me is the long arsed level grind as the missions seem to give less return for the amount of time needed to beat them. But that's a different kettle of popcorn. 😉 

  5. I have a lot of alts and rotate thru them as I'm in the mood to bash or blast. Add in that I am strictly solo I've yet to hit 50 with any of my toons since I came back. The two I had back with original CoH/CoV took me around 6-7 months including some TF runs with some really missed friends of the time. 

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  6. Galaxy was definitely the more fun place to start having a better layout than Atlas. The missions were more spread out and some could have been better...and as said, it was a bit plainer around the starting plaza area than Atlas. Still, they could've increased the mission count and made things a bit tougher than Atlas to encourage the 'vets' to start there and leaving Atlas for the complete newbs.  Atlas now just seems too crammed up with all the various mobs and such.  Perez and Boom are ghost towns with little point other than hunting grounds and could use some love as well in the future. But I'd love to see Galaxy come back someday. Running around Echo is nostalgic but not having much to do than badge hunting is a downer.

  7. Well...Shot can be both for Chance or Try which includes opportunity, time, slap, stab, whack and whirl as well as a Discharge of ammunition.   Chip can be a slice, flake, or fragment among other things as well as the act of chop, crack, hack, nick, splinter, or whack.


    So given that; Blaster with a Assault rifle or Pistols and Time or a Brute with Mace, Axe, or Broadsword and ??? or Tanker with ??? and Axe/Mace/Sword or a Corruptor with Assault rifle or Pistols and Time Manipulation.  Assuming you're going for a mostly literal name-powerset match. 

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  8. Sounds like something more suited to an actual day job than a game. Seriously.  Gotta agree with the majority...it's a terrible idea. Far too many variables to account for and more likely to kill the PUG runs totally other than for the hardcore farmer/grinder players. I get the frustration...I think we've almost all been there but penalties ain't the answer. 

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  9. 28 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Depending on whose take on it you prefer, the followon is either today or tomorrow -- the 'Revenge of the 5th' or 'The Revenge of the 6th'.

    Revenge of the 6th...for all those 5th's imbibed. 😉 lol

  10. Destroyed City in this particular context could mean that it has ceased being able to function as a city in terms of supporting survivors, providing services, and just being something other than every person for themselves. 

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  11. Well...for your Tanker;  Official colors of Ukraine are Blue and Gold in that order...Titanium is a very strong metal and light weight...Titan can play off of this so maybe Blue Titan which in Ukrainian (per google translate) would be Blakytnyy Tytan.  Or you could go with Blue Tytan. 


    I share your pain with the ocular beam scarcity. Energy Mastery has an eye beam power which is just the red version of the x-ray beam. 


    So...if Energy blaster...based on solar collection....and a good portion of Canada speaks French; maybe Capitaine Prisme (Captain Prism); or something like Solar Beam (Faisceau Solaire).  Or if feeling punny...maybe Maple Light if available. lol


  12. I've found that for most of humanity it is easier for them to hate something they either don't understand or that they feel some misplaced perception that they sit in some position of judgement over others...not that they have to live with the consequences of the choices others make for themselves. Especially when they rip things simply to make themselves feel as if they actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Such folks aren't usually worth the air it would take to argue with. 


    As I told my daughter...as long as whatever it is you or others are doing is not illegal, hurting someone, or putting lives at risk it's no one's business but yours/theirs. And the Homecoming folks have done little but the opposite of that in ensuring the continuance of something folks enjoy, generally smile about, and indulge a bit of their creativity.  Which of course is gonna drive the sour apples round the twist even tighter. 😉 

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  13. I cycle thru my alts fairly regularly...but of the bunch I'd have to say my faves currently are; 


    Major Holocaust - FM/RA Brute

    General Killerwatt - BR/EA Sentinel

    Frost Iron - DP/IM Blaster

    Sir Chopsalot - BA/EA Brute

    Psi-Lent - PB/TM Blaster

  14. It's all a security protocol to inconvenience Nemesis.


    Though I particularly like the ones where you enter in on the ground floor and descend five levels instead of going up. (It's that or the contractor put the arrow lights in upside down) :P 

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