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Top Gear

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Posts posted by Top Gear

  1. 1 hour ago, Greycat said:

    If you enjoy it? Great, have fun, it's great that we have choice now. Me, I'll stick with stability and consistency even if it means slow issue release.

    Very well thought out response. Thank you for taking the time to clarify all these things for the original poster.


    2 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Sounds like a troll baiting the community for some drama to me!

    ... only if your only interest is hearing exactly the same thing that you already think. Otherwise the post isn't trolling or drama, just questions someone would like answered - troll.


    2 hours ago, drdread said:


    What a transparent shill.

    What a sophmoric response.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Luminara said:

    No drama today, kids.  Lumi has a headache.

    This response is EXACTLY to the point of the poster's comments. This wasn't drama or a "kid" unless you've personally verified the poster's age. Instead what this is is a complete lack of caring and obvious minimalization of a well thought out post.


    So typical and unsurprising. How's that for drama ? Helping your headache any? You would've been better off just waiting to post after a couple aspirin or something.

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  3. I'm surprised anyone is surprised by the inner circle's "rules for thee but not me" behavior. How is this hypocrisy any different than so many other examples? Here's an idea: if you see these "violations" don't report them. Keep your mouth shut and go on about your day because in the end none of it matters. If, as the worry warts would like you to believe the server gets shut down, you can feel totally confident that it was for much worse things than someone naming an inactive SG after a comic one.

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  4. If you really want a challenge without being forced into a sociopath led team for 3 hours, simply don't use any incarnates and use a build that doesn't take advantage of IO sets. That way you can solo grind to your heart's content.


    Only 74 poll votes since Monday should tell you all you need to know about the reality of interest in hard mode conversations and play.

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  5. Ok but if you're using it to compare AT/power sets, does it remove bonuses from any enhancements? The same AT with the same power will obviously get different numbers if they have an SO vs IO and so on. I would think you want real numbers from the raw skill and AT, not some artificially inflated number based on a $20M enhancement you bought for instance


  6. Sorry guys, new to this type of "fun" in game. What purpose does this serve? Is this just a "I got a higher number than you" or is there actually a good reason for engaging in this activity? Not judging just curious.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:



    "I don't agree with some of you, so I hope everyone's playhouse burns down!" isn't a great look, Top... 

    At least copy the entire sentence so the context isn't manipulated. I've since edited that out for general forum consumption anyway. It's not about burning the house down, it's about getting support to insure EVERYONE can enjoy playing how they want to play.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Astralock said:


    Unfortunately, Rebirth is still 32-bit and does not have all of the background, technical changes Faultline, Number Six, Telephone, et al. made to City of Heroes over the years to make it more compatible with modern computers and modern operating systems.  I was told that Rebirth does not have anyone on their staff that understands the C language.  Also, I still have a couple of friends left on Homecoming that insist I play here.  So here we are.

    Though I take your word for these things, I find it very sketch that there are always so many reasons "grinders" don't want to go to Rebirth. This is beginning to look a lot like people just generally being miserable unless they're controlling the narrative and in this case, everyone's game play. I'll not be forced to play "regular" content with the sociopaths that are generally leading the teams and running what should be an hour or two TF in 20 minutes and then coming here to complain about others preferring to farm as if there's a difference. You people, (and I don't include Astralock, I'm only using their post as a basis) are complete hypocrites.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    Yes, the anti-farmer should go to Rebirth. You will like the grind, the different ATs and powersets. The only thing you won't like is at peak times, you might get 100 players. I doubt it, but you might. And because of that, most of you won't go where other like-minded players are. You'll stay here and try to drag the rest of us, kicking and screaming out of the farm and into your bloody mainstream content, with your "You'll play it my way and like it" attitude. 

    Good luck with that. 

    I couldn't agree more.

    • Like 5
  10. Thank you everyone for making efforts to collect data.  I'm seeing a lot of "might be", "probably", and "should be". If you aren't going to be transparent and include how many people were on the map, what the team size and level settings were and your start and end figures, it's not really useful. Saying "these should be the numbers" without accompanying data isn't useful either.


    Are there some metrics around just how many people are actually getting these "best in class" numbers? How many unique players have actually fully built with IO set toons that can get those numbers? How many people have turned off earning XP to earn more influence?


    Let's also stop this nonsense about AFK farming. That was never part of the discussion until it became clear that the numbers for AE farming were only marginally better and only if you played #125 over and over. What metrics are there about how many people are playing #125 in AE versus the Carnie or FreakShow map? All of this is supposition and posturing to try justify a nerf to the rewards in AE without any clear indication that the emp merit conversion is even being widely used. 


    Again if the real target of this change is AE because the rewards are so much better than anywhere else, why isn't EVERYONE doing it? Why are people focused more on marketeering or running the same TF over and over again? Why is there in fact such a great balance of people doing their own thing throughout the game? I can't help but to question the very premise upon which the change is being based because there are no metrics I've ever seen to substantiate it.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, scottocamp said:

     I believe it is difficult to force behavioral change upon people.  Best to tempt players away from AE with better rewards in the content you want them to play. 


    Absolutely what has been suggested over and over. Thank you for taking the time to do your testing. I'd take it one step further. Why the heck don't we just make available a "fast to 50 toon" with enough influence to cover a load of IO's? If someone wants to skip all the pre-50 junk and jump right into TF's and such, let them. That will also keep the gold diggers away. Why would people buy influence or get power leveled for money if they can get a free 50? Seems like you solve both problems at once.


    I mean, unless the devs themselves are running the gold farming enterprise and using the nerfs on AE to stop competition. But that's just being paranoid.

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