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Posts posted by ShinjiKinsaru

  1. I've been begging for base recipe storage since before sunset. It was one of my pet peeves and nearly the only complaint I had about the whole game. I'm also good with having AH/BM access through a base portal of some kind, like the Merit Vendor machine. Being able to buy, sell, and get components off the market in base or post directly from the bins when I have too much of something would be nearly priceless at this point.


    I hope it happens at some point, and I'd be willing to contribute somehow if it were possible!


    • Like 1
  2. On 7/31/2019 at 9:15 AM, Bentley Berkeley said:

    Screw that stored items eat up the 20k item cap used for making bases. we dont need more stinking storage eating up precious space used for creation. if its really that big a deal for you create an alt account and a storage mule to dual box transfer. Or just craft the recipes.


    But its not really needed, has no one explained to you that really now days just sale everything on the ah  and buy attuned set Es to you? Only lvl 50 purple recipes are worth crafting and storing. with the expanded enhancement storage on each character and the practice of just mailing a few hand me down attuned set bits as needed to later alts of capped characters that have unslotted their old lvling sets for lvl 50 purple sets you shouldnt need to do more then a few email transfers at a time.


    Because seriously crafting set bits is basically a newb trap now. Sell recipes, buy already made attuned. and leave the recipes and crafting for those who just like crafting. Me I dont have time to craft Im busy playing, running multiple SGs and mentoring dozens of players. Who has time for crafting blah!

    "Screw that stored items eat up the 20k item cap used for making bases."

    Well, prioritizing "pretty base" over "functional base" is a choice, I suppose.


    "we dont need more stinking storage"

    You need to watch that "we" stuff unless you've got a mouse in your pocket.


    "if its really that big a deal for you create an alt account and a storage mule to dual box transfer. Or just craft the recipes."

    So now you've added a middle man to the process that needs streamlining. Brilliant.


    "no one explained to you that really now days just sale everything on the ah  and buy attuned set Es to you?"

    The assumption that your way is the only way to do things, and very condescending.


    "Only lvl 50 purple recipes are worth crafting and storing"



    "you shouldnt need to do more then a few email transfers at a time"

    You shouldn't need to email anything. You don't have to email salvage, you don't have to email enhancements, you don't have to email inspirations - you shouldn't have to email recipes.


    "Sell recipes, buy already made attuned."

    So you should sell the recipe when you have all of the mats and the catalyst in the base, then pay somebody's markup after they've done something that you just want to do on another toon? Dumb.


    "leave the recipes and crafting for those who just like crafting."

    How do you know he's not the one that likes crafting, or wants the badge(s)? You don't, because you didn't ask.


    "Me I dont have time to craft Im busy playing, running multiple SGs and mentoring dozens of players. Who has time for crafting blah!"

    Nobody cares what you have time for, and a lot of us have time for crafting. 


    Your entire post is based on the idea that people should do things the way you do it, and the way you do it is wrong.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  3. I moved from Virtue to the VIP server with my friends when it went live, and stayed there until sunset. I was in my own private SG, as usual, but all of my characters were a family with the same last name, Kinsaru. My brute was Ryo Kinsaru, my stalker was Shinji Kinsaru, my tanker was Akira Kinsaru, and I can't remember the first names of Grandpa Kinsaru or my Ninja MM.


    Would really love to see my bro Nomad again, especially. Not much chance of this working, but what the Hell.

  4. While I do appreciate the intent of making it easier for players with less money, it really is a bad idea. Someone is buying it all up and then jacking up the price? They beat you to it or they're smarter than you. Don't like the price? Don't buy it. Someone will undercut them and the price will drop - free markets are self-regulating. That's why they work. They always have.


    As far as the people claiming "fair price" or "reasonable price", it shouldn't be up to them to decide, it should be up to the market. They shouldn't be the unelected arbiter of either what I pay for something or what I sell it for just because they're more vocal about it and they demand appeasement. I love this game more than you know, but I'm so tired of the whiners winning.


    I really don't like to complain, and I mean I really don't... especially considering what you folks are doing for us. I never thought I'd see this game again, and I spent literal years looking every day at the posters on the wall of my game room and the boxes and sleeves on the shelves. There will be things I like and things I don't like, so I'm just voicing my opinion.


    Anyway, enough of my whining, you've heard enough. Again, thank you so much for giving us our game back. We literally love you for it. I hope you all get rich.







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