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  1. I bet this has been answered before. I'm thinking of running either an Illusion/Rad or Illusion/FF. I'm guessing having AM would make the recharge easier.
  2. thanks for getting back to me. Budget, as in yellows and oranges Attuned IOs only.
  3. I think i've asked for this before, and didn't get a response ??
  4. Ok i'm looking to make a Cheetara homage character, but based off the 2011 Thunder Cats. Here's a pic of what she looks like now:
  5. I tried using the search. I tried Homage, and Thundercats, but nothing is popping up. If you could point me in the right direction, i would appreciate it, and thanks in advance.
  6. I was thinking of Oscar the Grouch. I eventually went with Spines/Inv Stalker. I would love any ideas. Thanks in advance for your help, and Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all.
  7. First off i'm going with a trekkie homage. If you ever watched the movie Tron, you probably will know where i'm going with this character. Anyways, i'm trying to make a single target Dual Pistols, is that possible ? I also will only be using Personal Force Field and Dispersion Bubble. I plan to only solo with this char, or else i would take the two shields.
  8. Also, what AT would be best for this ??
  9. I haven't seen this in a long time. Am i being masochistic ?? Has anyone else tried this ?? What are the rules ?? No Inspirations. Dbl Xp is allowed. If i die, i have to start over. Also, i wasnt sure which forum to place this ??
  10. thanks alot for getting back to me everyone. i will be trying these binds out 🙂
  11. This is the one i use most often: /bind lbutton+lshift "powexec_name Teleport" what i'm looking for are some escape binds or macros. Like the ability to Teleport straight up or back away. I would also like to Teleport and to activate Personal Force Field. Thanks in advance 🙂
  12. hmmm.. i think i might try this out. Makes me think of the Kazekage from Naruto Shippuden. He kind of looks like Hulk Hogan, he's super fast and Super Strong. So I'm thinking of going Super Strength/ SR Brute. I also suggest picking up the entire Super Speed powers, such as Hasten and Flurry.
  13. hey there, Hyperstrike, i was wondering if you could post a current Inv/Fire Tank Build. Please and Thanks.
  14. I need help with a build for a Fire/Fire Dominator. I would prefer no purple IO sets. I would like to build on recharge and damage. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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