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Posts posted by Faelia

  1. I remember starting during the first winter event and PLing a bunch of characters(mistake) to their 20s by killing the WLs and having zero clue wtf to do. Least I tried out a ton of powers before I made an actual character.


    I remember badge hunting on villain side and having to sit at the door so the mission owner could kill the Hellions for the Hellspawned badge(as villains did not have perez to hunt them)


    Laughing at a GM spawning in the original Mercy start area as they were a Claws/Nin stalker(said sets were garbage back in the day)


    Getting kitted out on SOs(both pre-ed and post-ed) and turning the difficulty up.


    Repeat Offenders shenanigans


    Pre-colored powers, you took your powers that didn't mesh with your costume and you liked it.


    Villain side actually being populated


    Playing a Mercs/Traps MM(liking it) then watching in envy as a SG mates Bots/Dark killed 100x faster. I had just hit 32 and rerolled after that to Necro/Dark(was still a crap ton faster than mercs)


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