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Everything posted by OPLOT

  1. OPLOT

    Shield/X Advice

    I like the sound of this a lot as well! I believe I recall seeing that Shield can be END expensive, is this true? If so I know that Dark Melee is a popular choice for END heavy primaries, but I don't think Dark Melee is where I am looking to thematically take the character.
  2. OPLOT

    Shield/X Advice

    That sounds pretty tasty, I'm liking the sound of that!
  3. OPLOT

    Shield/X Advice

    Privet tovarishchi! Looking to play CoH again after discovering the private server scene, but I am having trouble nailing down a secondary to pair with Shield. I browsed the forums over the past day or so and I can see there isn't really a bad choice, but I would love some advice on what synergizes particularly well with Shield. Electric Melee comes to mind with the double dunk of Shield Charge into Lightning Rod, but are there any other secondary sets that plays nice with Shield? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Edit: I ultimately went a different direction and made a Rad/Rad tanker as it is the best fit for a concept that I could not get out of my brain. I really appreciate everyone's suggestions and I am looking forward to making a Shield/X tanker sometime soon!
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