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Everything posted by Shenanigunner

  1. I think the character's history is misunderstood. Doc Buzzsaw was male. Then one day he absent-mindedly scratched one of those, you know, guy itches, and, uh, oops...
  2. I dunno, one of the most gorgeous, deeply romantic films ever made would be hard to top. As for the original stories... sorry, Mark Twain's review says it all. "For he, too, was a Cooper Indian."
  3. I think Cameron should remake both Avatar films, Because there were so many microscopic details he didn't get right the first time around.
  4. Just gotta add that, while it's not an Oscar contender and could have had a much stronger story and plot line, I think most of the review/er/s are completely off-target. It's just not the movie they wanted/expected, so it's crap. Got it. And, to be fair, GotG stole a lot of its thunder and Deadzine/Wolverpool is really bad competition to be up against.
  5. Yes, I of course avoided any reviews but the headlines have been peppering the feed. So, having seen it in my own private IMAX showing (okay, there was one woman as well, a bit older than me, even) — It's not going to win any Oscars. And I can see why "movie reviewers" had their hate aroused. But coming at it as a fan of the games, not bringing in any towering expectations, and letting it be what it was... game fans will find it worth seeing. It's balls-out violent the way the games are and the trailers weren't, although I don't think I saw a drop of actual blood. (Thankya PG-13.) My real fear was that Kevin Hart was gross miscasting, but he did a competent job as the Roland we expect. It feels a bit too tight, like 15 minutes of "smoothing and flow" were cut; there are some characters and cast in IMDb that don't show up. I'll put further comments in a mild spoiler frame; none of these will ruin the movie but if you're going to catch it in the cheap seats next week, you might want to avoid even these small reveals. And just so's you know, I killed 15 minutes of my life to let you know there is no credits scene other than a brief and immediate one. So unless you're turned on by a wall of Hungarian names, you can leave after the art credits. Another semi-spoiler:
  6. I think that's one of the things going against it — too many in the general audience (not gamers or fans) are going to see it as some kind of turned-up-to-11 take on GotG, despite the whole Borderlands whoopie-cushion violence take being much older. Oh, well, find out in another half day or so. First IMAX showing on Thursday.
  7. Yes, Bermuda simply isn't where most people think it is — way the hell out from any other land and much further north. Always good for bar bets and the like. I like the idea that the Rogue Isles are those underwater mounts in a different universe.
  8. Only if it comes with the Banana Peel AoE attack. I love it when YT'ers rediscover things like basic physics. Preferably with a really good faceplant involved.
  9. The only other game I play, and have played for a long time, is the Borderlands franchise. (It was a recommended substitute when CoX went into the black hole.) I haven't bought an advance ticket or bothered with an opening weekend of something in many years, but my reserve seat, middle of the IMAX auditorium, 3pm showing on August 8, is purchased. All I can say is "hoping for the best, will be satisfied with pretty good, won't shed a tear if it's a tanker." And hope that one really disturbing line in the new trailer is... out of context.
  10. I in no way disagree, but every time I turn around someone is going on and on about running ______ on an ARM system, and complaining because the x86 emulation isn't perfect, and so forth. I think it's more significant than the hoopla about RISC a few years back, or even x86 emulation on Mac and Linux, because things are moving relentlessly to mobile devices, and I deal every day with people stomping their foot and complaining because apps like InDesign don't run on their iPad. (That the ideas is somewhere between flawed and absurd... well, never mind.) So yes, ARM is muscling in, for good, bad or indifferent, and it's still a bad time to give the movement fuel by having critical flaws in a CPU lineup.
  11. Well, true, but if the overall market tilts to AMD for a stretch, it's billions out of Intel's pocket. One or the other has been "better" in any given stretch, as you know if you've been around a while, and sometimes it's a matter of "worser." Add in that ARM chips are starting to muscle in to the larger "computer" market and it's not a good time for Intel to have a major CPU flaw, llike the 2+2=5 Pentium.
  12. I don't see any big difference in Laser Beam Eyes. Am I just blinded by the light?
  13. As a writer, editor, and publisher from a family of educators, it makes me weep that if someone knows one (1) grammar rule, it's that one.
  14. Although it occurs to me that unlike most on/off powers, you don't really want Fly to stop when you do, nor necessarily be bound to movement keys. And the need to move around on footsies means auto-activation of Fly wouldn't be a great thing. I have a Logi mouse (okay, trackball) with two extra top keys. I bind "Go" to the slightly less convenient one, and "Stop" to the easier one. Works extremely well with all forms of Fly as well as SJ, and even the super speed powers. Keeps the travel power separated from regular movmement but "fly forward fast now" is one click away, and I can stick the landing every time. BUTTON4 "emote flypose1$$autorun 1$$+up$$powexectoggleon Mystic Flight" BUTTON5 "autorun 0$$up 0$$powexectoggleoff Mystic Flight" The use of ++up is problematic because the command parser has, for several releases now, latched it on. You have to tap a cancel key (SPACE for me) to stop rising. But I find the little jump at the beginning helps keep from getting caught on walls, hedges etc. and it's convenient to rise for a while, usually.
  15. Mostly look good. I'm not really a fan of the "generic" binds where you call every related power so that one bind can be used by varying alts. For use, I'd really edit these down to the specific power used. (For one thing, bindfiles do have a size limit, and packing in bulk text like this is likely to push things.) But rolling binds in particular allow on/off toggling. You need to look at dual-action binds to complete the one-key automation; see the Tech Guide for complete info.
  16. Not since maybe the reign of Queen Victoria. Utterly BS grammar rule.
  17. Hey, don't blame us if you can't find your Mission Transporter keys after a hard night's celebrations. 😄
  18. "Three streets over? Christ, can;'t you get a cab in this town?" I'll usually use shortcuts through a base transporter etc. for anything in another zone, but it's occurred to me that getting from one place to another, once an essential and inevitable part of gameplay, has essentially been removed for any player who cares to skip it. I'm not sure that's a net positive. When was the last time you used a city gate?
  19. Without trying too hard to map point for point, I'd say PC is Providence from its city center south, Talos is Aquidneck Island, formerly Rhode Island, which is surrounded by those other islands, and PI is one of the other three largish islands, (For those who don't know, the full formal name of the state was "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" until it was truncated to match the other 49 in 2020. (More or less, don't get on me about Commonwealths and all that.)
  20. /bind Y "powexeclocation up:max Teleport" Gets you the 'ell out of a situation; you need to choose a TP-to-some-safe-lower-place action within a few seconds, though. We, uh, did all this a few months ago. Maybe reviewing the last thread is more productive than duplicating it.
  21. It's more or less assumed/modeled that PC=Providence, The One In Rhode Island. As you may have noticed RI is on the teeny side, you'd have to make your image of it quite large for the star to be much of anywhere but sort of in the center. But then, canonically, Gotham City isn't NYC, so...
  22. Completely left field, but I once made a real employee training video using the music and stings from the SpongeBob 'Krusty Krab' training video, which in itself is a work of satirical art.
  23. You don't want to know about Carnies... but they all smell that bad for a reason.
  24. Okay. It's eluded me as a fairly involved player for 15-odd years. As the following post suggests, it's only there if you know where to look... and no, I am not so involved I've read the entire wiki etc. Just sayin' — Why can I write full-length essays on nearly every foe, mob and passel of bad guys in the game EXCEPT Khelds? I've absorbed all that info through direct gameplay and some backstory reading, but can't remember a single thing about squids except what you pick up playing one. So, I dunno.
  25. I actually agree with the OP. I can't think of any other group in the game that has... absolutely no significant explanation or backstory, no matter how corny, convoluted or comicky. Khelds are just... there ya go. Go. Hunt. Squid Around. No connection to any other element in the game. Cross-dimensional passerby. Sure, most of us could write a killer backstory... but it would be entirely without common anchors or grounding. I find them weird to play anyway, even with a good UI.
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