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  1. So. When you have a CrabberMind, you tend to collect a few extra pets. Okay I am collecting ALL the pets. You name it, I want it. I'm working on Labyrinth pets next, and saving Vanguard Merits up every MSR. If you have a pet collection, try this popmenu out instead of having trays upon trays. This should cure your fix. (Caution, may cause side questing. . .) Put this menu in your Menus folder Homecoming\data\texts\english\menus and open in game with /popmenu pets to create the macro of awesome choices. Pets.mnu
  2. Mingo

    Invites Fail

    I invite a LOT of league and teammates. The right click option T and L are no longer working. I tried resetting keybinds, unbinding T and L, but the error continues: invalid format, try /I or /Li $name. Anyone seen this before? Anyone have a fix to that right click popmenu?
  3. Hardcase's arc is different in lvl 30-34 than the Ouro arc. The temp power Demon Box is only awarded in "Defeat Pandora and minions," and is currently only awarded to the mission owner. Since it's not available from Ouro, I brought in another toon to get the reward, but only the msn owner received the reward. The temp power is not giftable. Make everyone in the mission receive the award, or make one of the Ouro arcs include that msn.
  4. Thanks!
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