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Posts posted by ferzth

  1. Thank you for the replies.


    I understand that salvage drops with greater regularity than do even white recipes.


    That being said, if there is an option at the P2W vendor to disable Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare recipes, and also disable regular inspiration drops and enable Team and Dual inspirations, can there not be one to do the same for salvage drops?


    I can sell white and yellow salvage, and I do.


    My farmer brute makes me 100 million influence per day or more, so salvage, even orange rare salvage, is a drop in the bucket.  Losing X number of 250 or 1,000 influence on white/yellow salvage, respectively, does not bother me.


    My ask is more for efficiency and not for how much I can sell white/yellow salvage.


    Is there a macro or bind that anyone knows of that will perform this task?  Perhaps this is another item the overworked volunteer devs can add to their to-do list ?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Is it possible to disable salvage drops?


    I would like to be able to disable white and yellow salvage drops.


    At the P2W Vendor, I can disable recipe drops, and I have (white/yellow recipes), but I see no option to disable salvage drops.


    Is there a macro or bind or some other way to disable them?



  3. Back in the day, my first Level 50, Superluminal, took about a year of real life.  When I popped 50, it felt like a massive accomplishment, exhausting yet exhilarating.


    Then I joined an SG that ran mainly TFs and AE.  Most, if not all of my toons after that, were either (mostly) PL-ed or door-sat in AE.  Probably had about fifteen or so level 50s, and only really played about 5 at the end (not enough hours in the day).  AE was fun to get new ATs to 50 for all their new crunchy powers, but as others have said here, I played a mix of styles and ATs and missions and TFs.


    Everyone (I'll generalize), wanted to take advantage of the clearly broken XP-leveling mechanics of AE, when it first came out.  I know I did, and many members of my SG did.  Why wait weeks or months to fully realize a new AT or feed your alt-itis, when you can have that toon to 50 in hours?  We all took advantage of that.


    On the new servers, I probably have about 15 toons or so.  None are over 20.  Two have gone through AE (still less than 20).  I have run door missions, countless Sewer runs, contact and radio missions, and will continue to do so.  I make it a point, if they want, to mentor new players.  To run Sewer missions for newbies and those of us trying (retrying) old and new ATs.  I have found that many want to team, at lower levels, but none want the star themselves.  I hope that will change.


    AE will always have its place in CoX.  Genie is out of the bottle.  The sense of community and excitement in 2019 is intoxicating and I'm sure many of the new players cannot appreciate how giddy us veterans feel about the game being (perhaps temporarily) reborn.


    Let AE farmers and hangers-on farm.  Stay out of their way.  Play your own style and content.  Solo or team to your heart's content.  There was too much drama back in the day over AE.  The community in 2019 has real concerns about the future of our game (which is currently FREE!).  That should be our focus, not on rehashing tired arguments and complaints.

  4. My first toon on CoX:  Superluminal.


    Fire/Fire/Fire Blapper.


    The only toon of mine that grinded his way to level 50.  Took me about a year of RL.  After that, it was all PL and Supergroup leveling of the rest of my toons.


    Blazing Aura, Hot Feet, Burn.  Follow the Tank into the crowd and start throwing fire.  Almost orgasmic.

    Didn't mind face-planting at all.  It was just sheer fun to dive into mobs and start throwing down.


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