Like the title says ….why are most Kinetics builds dropping Siphon Power for Fulcrum Shift? I play a lot of the content Solo as a Corruptor, from bosses to AV’s to 1v1’s I love the challenge and living on the edge of wipe out in CoH. Which is why I still have Siphon Power on my build because I think it’s helping mitigate the actual wipe out. Kinetics only gets a few actual debuffs in its tool kit and I would think Siphon Power would help most player with difficult larger mob even with Fulcrum Shift?
However, maybe I am missing something? Just some inside baseball on how I have mine slotted:
2 Acc
3 Rechg
and my reasoning for this is mostly Bosses, AV’s, and the Occasional GM. With this I find that the single target debuff is helpful from not getting wiped out when going against these types of threats because it can constantly be reapplied.
Again….if this is dumb or a waste please let me know.