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Everything posted by GoGoRazaTaz

  1. Merci, grazie, danke, gracias, hvala, obrigado, arigato .... etc! No, but seriously, a big THANK you to all of you that have made this possible through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Also, thanks to the fans that have shown an undying level of love for this game, like I have. We're in this together, and it just shows what this game was for many of us. Years ago when the game shut down, I went through a range of emotions as I'm sure you all did. The everlasting question in my mind was - 'why would anyone ever shut down a game that brings so much happiness and community to oodles and oodles of people, far and wide'? It just didn't make sense. But, here we are - having another go at it and for I literally can't believe I'm sitting here playing COH again. Bringing all my old characters back to life is ridiculously fun, and nostalgic. Know that I appreciate all that is being done to keep the COH legacy alive by each and every one of you that is making it possible. You're the hero in my book!
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