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About Lyone_Manes

  • Birthday October 7

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  1. It's not consistent, but it's happened on multiple Stalkers I've made. The Assassin strike goes off, but you're revealed before the damage is applied. Never played staff...but it happened to me on Ninja Blade, dual swords and psionic at least.
  2. Merc Tier 2 Minions have Hide...that means Ninjas and Mercs can both hide equally well. That is ridiculous...Ninjas need a bump anyways, so the extra bump to damage wouldn't even be a bad thing. Just seems weird they HAVEN'T done it yet...such a simple and pretty obvious thing.
  3. Random sidenote: Give all Ninja Minions "Hide", even if it's an upgrade...they're friggin Ninjas. Ninjas hide.
  4. I DO feel like it needs an AoE Heal...but I like most of the powers as-they-are. They aren't too strong, or too weak...It just would be nice for an AoE option for those Secondaries with single-target, but not multi-target Heals. Just a thought: What if the top-tier Medicine Pool ability turned the self-heal into a PBAoE?
  5. That was my first thought too...Was that it would be too easy to maintain Vengeance for MMs...but...I feel like it would get far more use by weakening it and making it apply than it does right now...I could be wrong, but I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen Vengeance used in a group...(Admittedly I don't group as much as others do, but it still seems way too limited.) Let it apply to NPCs...not just Pets, but also dead allies. If you're running with a Longbow NPC and they die, let me use Vengeance. It would be EASIER for MMs, but with a weaker version of it...or a longer recharge time...or a limit of some type, it just feels like it'd be better for the pool overall.
  6. Is there a reason Vengeance and Victory Rush don't trigger for/on/in any way relate to the Pets an MM has or the NPCs on a Mission? If it's too powerful to trigger off of dead ally NPCs, then isn't it too strong and too niche? Giving those buffs to PCs accomplishes WAY more than giving it to Pets. It seems silly that they are useless powers to anyone not in a group, and there seems like no GOOD reason for them to -still- be limited to group-play usefulness. I could see it in the beginning of the game when group-play was pushed HARD. Solo play is more common and less frowned on than it was...This feels like something from the beginning of the game that just hasn't caught up with how it is now?
  7. I think it would actually help the AT out as a whole too...Suddenly Regen is a pretty top-tier Brute Power.
  8. That's been my preference...but I suspect it'd be a massive PITA to implement. I figure just making Group Fly, which is already coded well, easier to acces seems like a reasonable answer. Honestly...even just lowering the pre-req to "1 Power in Flight" would make it better...I always take "Hover" for the extra Defense anyway personally.
  9. I've gotta ask...why not remove the Damage Aura from Tanks, make it a "Taunt Aura", improve the Damage Aura for Brutes as well as weaken their Taunt slightly and give it a secondary effect ability and let THEM be the AoE Melee Damage Dealers while the Tanks focus on being survivalists?...
  10. That was the point...They designed it around the idea not everyone would have Fly, and Group Fly being more accessible wouldn't change that Flight wouldn't be consistently available enough. It was the idea that they'd design it without the ability for non-Fliers to Fly that I was disputing.
  11. Just wanted to take issue with this as a bad example: It WOULD still exist, because Group Fly doesn't just give everyone Fly, it forces everyone to be in the same vicinity which isn't reasonable for accomplishing many of the missions like Hami. There's also Jumping/Teleporting/Super-Speed so not everyone took Flight. It would have almost certainly been built the exact way it already was, because that variation in Travel Powers would be too limiting to make something Flight-accessible-only. Overall...I'm not against Pre-requisites, but the game has changed a LOT since release. There is less reason for things like Group Fly/Group Teleport to have the same barriers they did at the beginning of the game. But things like Evasive Maneuvers? the Fighting Tree? Presence? Leadership? A lot of these SHOULD have barriers/pre-reqs.(though I think Presence has a bit too many personally. 😛 )
  12. Not sure I agree with making Taunts Inherent either...I think they just need to be more appealing. Example: What if Confront also gave -Res? Or if Taunt for Brutes gave a -ToHit? I honestly think Taunt for Tanks is fine as-is though. Edit: Increased chance to Crit for Scrappers and bonus Fury Generation for Brutes might be better actually...embrace the AT's abilities!
  13. Bah...just give them "Hover" as a 1st level Power. No need to have the PCs be bound the way the NPCs are, after all, they're special "Destined Ones". Don't really care about the HEATs. 😛 They can just suffer with 1 less. Either that, or they can make the obvious one that I STILL wonder why they haven't done and make a Longbow HEAT.
  14. I got nothing to say beyond: Please give us Mu as a VEAT...they're one of the most interesting groups in Arachnos and would be cool to play one. I know it'd cross over into "Electrical" a lot....but so what? Make it unique, make it interesting!
  15. I was more meaning like: Darkness - Terrorize with effectiveness based on your current Fury, if it's "Auto" instead of "Toggled", maybe apply it to anyone hit by the Brute? Toggle Aura would be cool too...just less unique. 😛
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