Spark Inferno
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Everything posted by Spark Inferno
He was not happy with some of the things. He would like to remove Rise of the pheonix and replace it with Stealth. Also he did not want to remove any of the titan weapon powers except for Taunt. And he wants the fire mastery. Fly is also not that important. Can u try one more time keeping this all in mind please. Thank you very much. Flame_Steel_-_Brute_Titan_Weapons_-_Fiery_Aura2.mbd
I am looking for a build for my friend for a Brute Titan weapon - fiery Aura here is the mids as it stands without anything slotted. Think you can work with this as it is and just fill it in. He wants to try and use it for farming so not sure being without burn would be good and also the experimentation seems useless so see what u can do. Flame_Steel_-_Brute_Titan_Weapons_-_Fiery_Aura.mbd
Hello to everyone It has been over 11 years since I last saw my supergroup in the game on live. Now after so long I remade it, reopened it, and it is active to the point we now have an alt SG as well. To celebrate this, my extended family would like to hold a CC on Saturday, January 27th at 7 pm EST in Echo Plaza. Current Pizes total 600 million. All winners will be mentioned on the Homecoming discord as well as pictures of them. Hoping to see you there and big hugs and welcome home to our returning players and our new ones. If you would like to donate to increase the prizes you can email in-game to @Spark Inferno and your name will be listed on the Homecoming discord as a donor.
Hello everyone I wanted to introduce myself I am also Cotton Candy Cuddles in-game the one who gives away hugs and inf daily. I would like everyone to know that all the inf I giveaway is donated by your fellow heroes who have been playing for many years I am just the one who does the "leg work" to hand it out to all of you. I do have a request for more donations to keep it going which can be emailed to @Spark Inferno in-game. Also, I ask that once you have gotten your trade you kindly move away from me so as not to crowd me or confuse me on who already got theirs and who did not. Another request is please do not hit me with powers as some can make it difficult for me to see the smaller characters and I have missed a few trades due to this. Lastly do not be rude by using target dummies, explosions, or other such things near me because one of my friends almost had a seizure due to the flash right in his face on his monitor. Be kind think of your fellow players and respect not just the hugs but everyone and we can have the best server ever. I would also like to thank the GM's and the Council members for granting me a temporary 1 hour gold title 2x (the second was because I was so busy handing out the hugs I forgot to take a SS) that said Free Hugs! I loved it.
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Okay to start we need... Gloves and boots to have the Malice pattern usable on them which they do not. a stinger tail for insect costumes both in long and short an actual bird tail not just the flaming phoenix one An option to add patterns to like the top hat An apron and some full-length dress designs An option to add say the bridal shoes and have the pant legs go to the ankle which could be done as a lower leg option Also would be nice to get... Jewelry for some of the neck pieces or shoulder options like for the Egyptian style necklace and maybe the ability to have a separate option just for the neck so we can use say the chains and the jester at the same time. The ability to choose the hairstyle when using a hat. I will add more to this list as I remember them lol.
Maybe it is just me but I do not recall this game being like this too much has been changed it is not the CoH I played many years ago. I would have been happier if I never saw the damn 2x xp buff so here is my gripe, comment and suggestion about it for all it is worth. I have been back after 11 years for almost 6 weeks and was told immediately when I first came back about the P2W vendor and to get the 2x xp buff. never thought once about reading the damn thing until a couple of nights ago. Well for weeks I have been wondering wtf can't I afford to get any IOs to slot on any of my 5 level 50 alts when lo and behold I was looking through my powers and checked on the xp buff to see how much longer it had before I had to get more and I had to doa double take this is why I can't afford anything. Who had this bright idea? Let them get to level 50 faster but give them zilch/zero/nothing/nil/nada in influence so they can't play the character anymore because they cannot afford the IOs to slot it. Where is the sense in this? This is like giving a starving man a stick with no string, hook, or bait and then telling them to go fishing for their food. At least in live I had my Corrupter Fire/kin who could farm the PI portal Demon mission but oh look the demon farm is gone and so is the original power set for my fire/kin. Okay so now I get a build for a Rad/Fiery Brute as a farmer oh wait I get it to lvl 50 and wtf can't use it to farm cause I can't afford the IOs not to mention the fact that it is so endurance heavy I can barely use it to fight normal missions alone. If this 2x xp was designed for players who have been playing for years and can afford not to make influence early then maybe make it so only they can get it by maybe umm buying it. I was happy to be back until now because I cannot even play my characters since I can't afford to make them worth playing since they die if u sneeze on them. Maybe just get rid of the xp buffs and let ppl play how it was meant to be played in live and not rush to lvl 50 with nothing to show for it other than badges. I felt this was the best place to post my replies to all the responses because it would be seen first. I will also not delete my post because that would be trying to cover up a mistake instead of correcting it and learning from it. I want to say I was not mad or frustrated I was more upset that day and this was a topic that came up so I vented about it. Now when I am typing my mind works like a flowing river so if I stop at any point I lose track of my thoughts hence I do not bother to edit or punctuate for the most part I let the PC do my edits and I try to fix most of them after. I also have issues with being the queen of the typo on top of a brand-new keyboard, long fingernails, arthritis in my fingers so I do not always hit the keys hard enough to get them to work, and most often reversing letters in words. Being I am 54 years old with a couple of disabilities I think as long as my point gets across that's what counts. Now after finally coming back to the forum and reading what I posted, I would like to say I will do my best not to post stuff when in a weird state of mind as several things in it can be taken out of context as well as things that have been taken the wrong way such as me having an I do not like it so it should not exist attitude which I do not. Yes, it was my fault for listening to someone without reading the description. I have gotten maybe 2 purples and mostly yellow salvage most of the money I have on my main was given to me by a friend I made or the hami's I get now. I do not pay attention to most of what the system says in the chat window like exp earned or inf gained I have that taken out of my chat windows. I do appreciate those who tried to be nice about it and offer advice on how to make inf and as for the others well I have not played WoW in like 15 years so I do not play with trolls anymore.
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That tells me nothing I need to know what the actual words are that they abbreviate. What do they stand for the KB and KD I have been back a total of 5 weeks and have no clue. Like an elderly person has no idea what lol means so you have to tell them laughing out loud.
About the Sentinel Sonic Attack/Willpower you did for me I was wondering if can u alter a few thing for me? I would like Shockwave, Fly, Hover, and Evasive Manuvers, Force of Will and Project Will, and Netherworld Tentacles. And sitch out combat Teleport for Team Teleport. This is a build I have had much luck with and would like to keep it I just have 0 clue about what to do with the IOs. I did try to alter the one you did but can't seem to get it to work in anyway things just stay greyed out even shen it says I have slots left.
Okay need one more for a Sentinel Sonic Attack/Willpower
Okay tried to search for it but couldn't find a build for my Brute-Claws/Dark Amor so iif you get a chance to make one would be apreciatednothing special for thisone just your normal build for a brute would be apreciated as currently my endurance is always draining.
Absolutely no clue what you meant in this reply. I do not know what KB to KD proc is. I have not played since the game shut down and was never any good at the sets they were just there one day after I was gone for a few months and came back so never got the hang of it however, I was pretty damn good solo on the same build i am using now without the IOs I just need a bit more Umph to defense and damage if at all possible with what sets are in game. I am lvling a farming character so this one is not going to be tanking anything as I have a friend I play with on this blaster who is a tank and for the most part in a team of 6-8 but I do like to have the ability to punch things when they get to close and can fly. I understand u r trying to make me the best build you would use but in general I really do not use builds and since I cannot for the life of me figure it all out myself I requested one. I would perfer if you do not mind could you please just do one with the powers I listed and not add in ones you think I should use as I am not wanting something anyone else would ever use lol. I do appreciate the work you put into it and I do not wish to cause you any trouble or lack of sleep. Side Note I already bought the 6 ios for Bonfire before I read you reply lol.
Can I request a build for a Hybrid Blaster Fire Blast/Electricity Manipulation (the only power I do not use is Flares). I also use Fly, Hover, Stealth, Bonfire, Fire Shield, Melt Armor, and Rise of the Phoenix as my other power pools.