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Everything posted by AbathurPendris
Just wanted to leave some feedback here. I had a rough start to a Lord Recluses Strike Force today. I fat fingered the enhancements difficulty so we had to reset right away only to get stuck on the Malta base mission! No matter who we defeated we could not defeat Slinger's group. After we cleared the indoor portion I sent out a petition for help and joined the rest of our team in clearing out the outside if they were out there somehow. Within 2 minutes I got a response from a GM asking if we still needed help. (Not sure if naming is allowed so I'll leave them unnamed.) They found the minion who had clipped out of the map and brought him back to us immediately and we were able to continue on. We had at least one person who was unable to start over if we had to so it was exactly what we needed. So far I believe this is the first time I have ever opened a ticket for support and the fact that it was responded to immediately (on a Saturday no less!) and we were on our way within a couple minutes was amazing. The support this game has through the GMs is so awesome and it cannot be overstated how appreciative we all were. A big THANK YOU to all those who make this possible!
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For what its worth, this is what I was working on. A quick Popmenu for accolades. I'll post it here incase others want to use it. // // // // // Menu "AccoladePowers" Title "Accolade Powers" Divider LockedOption { DisplayName "Architect Comlink" Command "architect" Icon Architect_Accolade_Power Badge ArchitectAccolade } LockedOption { DisplayName "Core Attunement" Command "powexec_name Core Attunement" Icon Accolade_LabyrinthCore PowerReady temporary_powers.temporary_powers.labyrinth_corelobby } LockedOption { DisplayName "Elusive Mind" Command "powexec_name Elusive Mind" Icon BA_ElusiveMind PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.riwe_accolade_power } LockedOption { DisplayName "Force of the Kind Ones" Command "powexec_name Geas of the Kind Ones" Icon BA_Geas_Of_Kind_Ones PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.geas_of_the_kind_ones } LockedOption { DisplayName "Long Range Teleporter" Command "powexec_name Long Range Teleporter" Icon Accolade_LongRangeTeleport PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.long_range_teleport } LockedOption { DisplayName "Magus Aura" Command "powexec_name Eye of the Magus" Icon BA_Eye_Of_The_Magus PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.eye_of_the_magus } LockedOption { DisplayName "Mark and Recall" Command "powexec_name Mark & Recall" Icon Accolade_Recall PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.markrecall } LockedOption { DisplayName "Megalo Medal" Command "powexec_name Vanguard Medal" Icon BA_Vangaurd_Medal PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.vanguard_medal } LockedOption { DisplayName "Mobile Dummy Combatant" Command "powexec_name Mobile Dummy Combatant" Icon Challenge_VanguardDummy_Pet PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.challenge_vanguarddummy_pet } LockedOption { DisplayName "Portable Workbench" Command "powexec_name Portable Workbench" Icon Loyalty_SignatureSummon PowerReady prestige.prestige_utility.portable_workbench } LockedOption { DisplayName "Sheer Willpower" Command "powexec_name Sheer Willpower" Icon Accolade_SheerWillpower PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.sfc_accolade_power } LockedOption { DisplayName "Stolen Crey Pistol" Command "powexec_name Crey CBX-9 Pistol" Icon BA_Crey_Pistol PowerReady temporary_powers.accolades.crey_cbx-9_pistol }
Thank you for looking into it for me. After I made that last reply I tried finding the Fast Travel and Hologram Matrix powers as well and when they were also absent your macro power response clicked. Sometimes I'm a bit dull, sorry.
With all due respect, I don't think you understand what I am asking for. The powers in the game all have names that we can activate them by like Healing Aura, Blaze, or Granite Armor. Internally these powers have different designations (a Defender's Healing Aura is defender_buff.empathy.siphon_energy, a Blaster's Blaze is blaster_ranged.fire_blast.blaze, and a Tanker's Granite armor is tanker_defense.stone_armor.granite_armor) for a variety of reasons. There are commands prompts, such as PowerReady which requires the internal name. Edit,: On second though I think you're right and I am misunderstanding the power. Never mind!
Yes I know that. I am trying to get the internal name for the power in the coding not what's listed in the game. For example, the power in the game called Demonic Aura has an internal name of temporary_powers.accolades.demonic_aura. I need the internal name associated with the Architect Comlink which I have been unable to find.
I'm afraid that's not what I'm looking for. I know the icon name, what I need is the game's internal power name for it.
Does anyone know the internal data name for the Architect Comlink power? I have been unable to find it in the City of Data Search engine.
Tested, slotting HOs does increase the healing.
The pet Mu Guardian from the Dominator Mu Mastery Patron power [Summon Guardian] lists Healing as one of the allowed enhancement set categories. It does not, however, allow any healing sets to be slotted in it. Oddly it does not allow for regular healing SOs to be slotted in it. This pet has a single target healing ability.
Did Excelsior and Everlasting just get unplugged?
Remove NoPhase Entirely, or from Hibernate
AbathurPendris replied to AbathurPendris's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I think you may have misread me. I said that Hibernate IS affected by recharge reduction enhancements and global recharge reduction set bonuses. I'm saying that for a Tanker whose base recharge is the same length as the duration of NoPhase, there is absolutely nothing gained from lowering its cooldown. I will note though that I may have been wrong on the times in my original post and the first 30 seconds of NoPhase may not apply, instead the latter 90 seconds may be the portion that blocks it from activating again which in turn means that a portion of recharge reduction could actually be beneficial. With a duration of 30 seconds (Assuming a full duration, though that is hardly ever the case) and a MAX recharge reduction to 24 seconds that means a ~65% up time. I have a very hard time understanding the argument of Hibernate's up time because it literally stops you from doing anything else. You cannot activate other powers like the Crey Juggernaut. You cannot move like Phase Shift. You're using Rest in safety, that's it. If it means the revocation of NoPhase I will advocate for a Hibernate adjustment, but it baffles me. -
Remove NoPhase Entirely, or from Hibernate
AbathurPendris replied to AbathurPendris's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
No, you're absolutely correct. That is exactly what I am advocating for, or its removal. I want to know how long until I can use Hibernate again. Almost, if not every other power gives you a countdown or power recharge indicator until you can use it again. I know how how long it will take for Hasten to recharge, but I have to guess at how long until I can use Hibernate again. I find that exceedingly frustrating. -
Remove NoPhase Entirely, or from Hibernate
AbathurPendris replied to AbathurPendris's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Now that we have the mechanic for timed toggles, wouldn't that reasoning for NoPhase in PvE be obsolete? How would increasing the recharge time of Hibernate reduce it's effectiveness? In what way could that be addressed? Though I'm just guessing it's an IO vs. SO issue, it could be made to stay at a set cooldown time like Strength of Will. I don't believe Hibernate is overpowered with or without NoPhase. Solo, it's a nice survivability tool, but in teams it's extremely hard to use because it means your not tanking for up to 30 seconds and your teammates can steal the agro from you. However I would personally be okay with nerfs if it meant getting rid of NoPhase. -
Remove NoPhase Entirely, or from Hibernate
AbathurPendris replied to AbathurPendris's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The power icon shows up, however there is no in-game indication for it's duration. There's no numerical countdown or visual growth indicator essentially making Hibernate's cooldown a guessing game. -
One of the biggest pet peeves I have with this game is the power NoPhase. It is extremely poorly designed and the implementation wasn't thought through at all. Even worse, it is completely unnecessary since phase powers were altered in the PvP environment so as to allow phased characters to attack each other. This work around was put in place to stop characters from chaining the phasing mechanics so as to be completely untouchable 100% of the time. This was conceived to combat the issue in the PvP environment, however it was enabled for the PvE environment too. Let's look at just one unintended consequence, and the reason I will never play Ice Armor while NoPhase exists. The Tanker power Hibernate has a recharge time of 120 seconds and a duration of up to 30 seconds. It is affected by recharge reduction enhancements as well as set bonuses. With the advent of NoPhase, an Ice Armor Tanker went from being able to activate Hibernate as much as once every 24 seconds (at max recharge reduction) to once every 120 to 150 seconds. This was a strait up nerf to the set that went unacknowledged at the time. Did Ice Armor need to be nerfed? Was Hibernate too strong of an ability? I will debate until the cows come home that it was not called for, however the bigger issue in my view was the sudden lack of indication for if Hibernate could be used. NoPhase lasts for 120 seconds and has NO visual indicator showing when it will wear off. Compound this with the fact that NoPhase begins 30 seconds after the power ACTIVATES and you get up to an additional 30 seconds to try to time if you don't stay in Hibernate for it's full duration. Ever thought about if you can risk the next fight because Unstoppable is almost recharged? Do you watch the seconds count down until you can use Drain Psyche again? What if you had NO CLUE as to when your power would be usable again? That's what Ice Armor's with Hibernate have to deal with. Does NoPhase still serve a purpose in PvE? Is there content that can't be stealthed or ignored with high defense/resistance but can be skipped with Phase? I don't think so, but I'm not versed in every aspect of the game, especially the newest +4 Task Force content. Hibernate cannot be used to stealth through missions though, as you're immobile and cannot effect enemies so that isn't applicable to this power. How would the elimination of NoPhase for Hibernate break the game? If Ice armor or Hibernate need to be balanced I'm all for it, but the clunky and frustrating mechanic that is NoPhase has no place being that balancing mechanic.
Base Commands Outside Base Editor
AbathurPendris replied to AbathurPendris's topic in Help & Support
Oddly enough, the key bind reset did nothing...but I joined a task force and as soon as it started the key binds went back to normal. So weird. -
Hey all, I recently tried my hand at some base editing. After I left the edit mode and went back to the outside world, the commands on my keys and mouse didn't stay behind. For example, instead of turning my character to the right, the 'R' Key instead did nothing and in the global chat window it said "Unknown command: rotate" By resetting my key binds it appears to have fixed the keyboard binds, but I have been unable to unbind my mouse buttons. I logged off and back on, and even onto other characters, but the problem persists. Any advice? Thanks!