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Hello, I have a fully incarnate Water/Regen Sentinel (Vet 40) to date, I have not seen another on the Excelsior Server. Generally, I lean towards Conceptual off Meta builds. That said I have no idea how to export a build file for your review, but I can discuss the "concepts" employed and how it plays. In testing this build concept works well. +4 Radios/DA/ITF/ Etc. all fine You can lead a +4/8 crew and take initial aggro, you just cant stand in it. AV's with nukes will kill you unless you pop Moment of Glory. Even if you dont Second Wind is there for you. I soloed this in Moth Cemetary and it is a little tough but manageable. Duo in +4/8 Radios went well with some fights requiring small pulls and kiting. Not a tank by any means, not even Tanky. But gets the nod as my most exciting build to play (when in the mood for thrill seeking) On the Primary side, you picked Water - an excellent one and my go to! Build and slotting Water is easy - simply pick 5 to 8 of the powers you want/need and slot them as best you can based on your budget. Entropic Chaos and Annihilation are my two personal low cost favourites for 1 to 50 Most droppable skills in order are Hydro Blast, Water Blast, Dehydrate, Whilrpool. However for REGEN I would keep Dehydrate and if you need to drop a 3rd Primary, go with Whirlpool. (this will be explained). How many Primary skills you select will depend on how much utlity/mitigation you want down the road. IF you take Hasten (which you probably should) you can spam Aquabolt/Water Jet all day long as needed in between Guyser, Steam Spray, and Dehydrate. These six skills will never leave you wanting another attack. The big question/challenge is what to do with Regeneration as your Secondary. I have yet to read a post in which the writer stated that they LOVED Regeneration. So let me be the first. As a CONCEPT build, it's awesome. No, its not OP - its about as far away from Min/Max builds as you are going to get. Instead, what it provides is a uniquely exciting playstyle. you will need to monintor your health like a mother hen whille your health bar ping pongs up and down as you cheat death by the skin of your teeth over and over again. Simply put, if you like heart pounding action - Regen delivers. Regen Plays best in Skirmisher mode - a hit and run style of play where you are constantly moving back and forth to launch your attacks absorb the reprisal and fall back as needed to heal up. And to this end, I went with as much Health and Regen in the build as I could - and this includes the tertiary skills as well. I fully leaned into Regeneration as the entire focus of the build it includes the following. 5 x 4 Numina (includding 4 slots in Health) 1x6 Panacea 1x6 Preventattive 1x5 Theft of Essence. That is 37 Slots for Green Heals. If budget does not permit, Miracle can be subbed in. The other heal sets can also be used - play around a bit. The point is how many slots you dedicate to the concept 37! is seroious dedication - Wolverine class Regen and Healting. To push this further I took Field Medic and Destiny Rebirth -which heals for 1500+ to team (with Field Medic) Resurgance does 700+ to self and Aid Self does 400+ Its fun to be able to heal yourself from near death to back to full with a click or two. So what about Resistance and Defense? Well, 6 slots in Resilence with all the uniques. and 6 slots in Moment of Glory with all the uniques. Fill in for preference. If you take Hasten/Hover (basically mandatory) and 7 Primary you have three powers left or 4 if you drop Whirlpool - which I am honestly 50/50 on. Whirlpool is nice to see and impressive - doees good damage over time, but its a slow cast and just doesn't fit with the skrimisher play style. (note I did not drop it but will in my next respec to see If I will miss it) What to do with these 3 or 4 slots is how you round out your build and there are lots of good options. The one I am looking most closely at is the combo of Stealth, Infiltration and Phase Shift. PS is an ability I just started playing around with as a way to deal with T9 secondary Crashes (like Overload), but it fits perfectly with a REGEN build where you need to buy time. I also particularly like that Inflitration can be slotted with Gamblers. (My next Sentinel will be a Storm Regen featuring Phase Shift- going to drop Storm EA). Also of course Kick/Tough/Weave or Spirit Ward/Mflight/RoP. Even Fire Cages/ Char/Warmth works. The Medicine set also has to be considered VERY optional here, it was at the time an experiment. I stuck with it because it is fun, but with my Storm Regen I wont take it and instead will likely exchange it for Kick/Tough/Weave so I can slot 5 Gambler Recharges and have a ittle more Resitance Defense vs. more Healing power. Summary: to Level 50 6 or 7 Primary Set - slot as budget allows. 9 Secondary Set - Slotted with Healing Sets amap and a 5 or 6 slots in Moment of Glory/Resilence Hover, Hasten 3 powers in 2 of these Sorcery/Fighting/Concealment/Fire Mastery/Medicine There is leeway in how to finish this and some personal custimization to round out the final one or two powers. IF you get to 50 and beyond. Destiny/Rebirth, Judgment/Cryonic (buying time). Hybrid Assault. Interface (choose a defensive one). As for Alpha, This will depend on what you lack most. I chose Muscle for the damage but Agility would be my second choice. Good luck, would love to hear how it all goes for you.
Fup I think I read you don't like Procs (in general) but have you ever tried a proc cocktail on your rains. Given their mid cooldowns and low damage, I think they make an excellent candidate for Anihilation - rez, Bombadment - fire, Positron - Energy, Javelin - Lethal and best of all (Superior) Frozen Blast - Immobilize. 6th slot is flex depending on what other sets you can put in it. Basically turns your rain into an AOE Stun with both Burst Damage and DoT Damage.
I had this problem as well until I made it mandatory to have an immobilize on all my Sentinels. Be it Chain Fences, Fire Cages, Frostbite, Paralyzing Dart etc. You also have access to slows in many different sets. What I have found in almost all Sentinel build theory has a heavy reliance on the AT Offensive set. I see 7 or 8 skills routinely taken in 95%? of Builds.. But, I honestly believe that 6 is the ideal amount and I have one build that only has 4. For example on my Water SR build I skip Hydro Blast, Dehydrate and Water Burst - something I got yelled at for. However, the theory behind this is sound and more importantly it allows me to get Chain Fences, Lightning field and Havoc Punch actually providing more damage and better utility. Chain Fences allows for the Gravitation Anchor Proc - Chance for Hold to really ensure you lock everyting down. And if you need endurance assistance it takes Peformance Shifter as a bonus. Anyway, once I started looking at doing a litte more control and dropping one or more attacks that are not needed in my rotation (water jet is supreme and has a 4 second cooldown) - evenything just clicked. As I began to apply these ideas in respecs, each time I noticed a smoother battle sequence, less chaos and a feeling of being on top of any situation. I short if runners are a problem, chain fences and its ilk are the solution.
Mostly, I am amused by the lack of Sentinel love given by other ATs who don't play and, dare I say, understand Sentinels. Let me echo some of the truths spoken in this post by the OP and many others. Sentinels are imo the best AT for new player to learn the game. They are very forgiving. Easy to level, easy to slot, allow for any kind of playstyle. and are objectively the most FLEXIBLE AT. Then, as the game is learned, the silent strength of the Sentinel will emerge. As a new player becomes an experienced player, an entire world of possibilities opens up through the Sentinel AT. An experienced Sentinel Player will start to see complex multi directional playstyles and nuanced slotting for some truly epic final builds that will satisfy the hardest of the hard core. In short, the entire leveling experience from 1 to fully incarnate is very rewarding. ANY Sentinel build will work in solo play or in Team Play. I know, i''ve tried them all. And soon I will have a level 50 representation in every power set available to Sentinels Sentinels make the best Team Captains. Yes, even better than Tanks. This is because they can play up front, mid or backline as needed. while maintaining an overview of the entire battle. Sentinels are the quintisential survivor. Yes, again even better than a Tank. A Tank can get overwhelmed, stuck, mezzed, overextended or hopelessly surrounded. True, this can also happen to Sentinels, but with any kind of situational awareness, much less likely and a Sentinel has better tools to deal with it when/if it happens (kiting is but one example). Sentinels do not get the credit they deserve? While it is true that I have not once been complimented at being THE carry for a struggling team in a difficult spot or gotten a pat on the back for taking all the aggro when the TANK couldn't do it or Peeling for the Defender/Controller because the Blaster/Scrapper/Dominator couldn't be bothered. I also think, in general, dedicated Sentinel players are the sort of people that do NOT need to be validated by others. Sentinels are the unsung and we don't care. A dedicated, skilled Sentinel player knows the value they bring to any fight and this value does not need to be confirmed by anyone else. We know we are often last one standing. We know we can do 90 to 95% percent as much damage as anyone else while at the same time sharing aggro as an off tank, all the while peeling or controlling as needed. I have said this before and I think it is worth repeating. Sentinels don't BREAK. They DON'T rage quit, abandon hard pressed teams, complain about x,y.z tough situations. They don't bring in a more "suitable" AT for the team comp. I have never once experienced a Sentinel being a cry baby. So, I applaud not just the wonderful design of the AT by the Devs but also the type of player that is drawn to it. Sentinels are not the BEST at any one thing. This is why a min/maxer will find places to criticize. So if you want a team of the BEST DPS, BEST Aggro management BEST control, BEST support, it can be easy to ask the question where does a Sentinel fit in here? In a tailored team, maybe even a fair question. However, the question that is not being asked is now that you have this, who glues it together - that is the Sentinel. Moreso, in a Random team, the flexibility of the Sentinel is always, always helpful, even critical to the success of 8 Randoms. A final note. Most of the criticism directed at Sentinel's seem to come from Blasters. Particularly, the bad ones. I love my Blaster Brothers and Sisters. Played well, they make any run easier. However, there are just SO MANY bad Blaster players. You know the ones that run into the middle of a mob to get off their Melee attacks they rave about, only to get completly obliterated, blame the defender for a slow heal and then either rage quit or port to hospital after 3 seconds because they weren''t rezzed fast enough? Or the ones that can't stop talking in chat about how much DPS they do and how much they love their blaster but are always out of position because they spend to much time talking about how great they are? I have a particular dislike of Ego filled Blasters who die multiple times in a run, have no Idea how to properly use the DPS that was gifted to them and then talk trash about how much better their chosen AT is then the lowly Sentinel. A bad Blaster player will view the Sentinel as a poor man's version of themselves - one that won't heal them, taunt for them or debuff for them. All in all a self centered way of looking at the game dynamics. A good Blaster player will, rightfully so acknowledge that a Sentinel won't directly benefit them but is the Foundation the the team can rally around. That the Sentinel is playing multiple roles and doing a tonne of work every bit as valuable, and often moreso than any other AT in any given team. My wife, also a Sentinel player (not for lack of trying other ATs) put is best. Who defends the Defenders - Sentinels. Who Plugs the holes the Tank/Brutes miss? - Sentinels. Who chases down the runners - Sentinels? Who holds the line when all else fails? - Sentinels. My wife plays her Sentinal like a Paladin. I play mine like a Battlemage. Together we can lead/carry any team, anytime, anywhere through any adversity. End rant.
Alright, so there are multiple viewpoints on the AT slotting, which I guess applies to Proc slotting in general. Quick cool down skills, long AoE skills? or something in between. Reasons for the varios ideas all seam reasonable to me. Recently, I have been experimenting with Slotting the AT enhancement in longer cool down AoE (a 180 from what I was doing before). What I found that I like about this is that the Proc is essentially guaranteed to happen at the moment you use these "bigger" skills. Which essentially makes them "predictable" Thus, when I cast Geyser with Sentinel Ward, its 30 second cooldown I know that WARD goes along with it. Where I can see this being particularly useful is with a PBAOE with a long cast. Because you know that you are probably going to take some aggro during the cast and for sure lots of it right after, so proccing a WARD has a natural synergy to it. That said, would a Ragnarok with a Knockdown be a BETTER damage migitator than a 180 healh ward? (thank you Ulun for that information). In my most recent build (Ice/Stone) I tried using ONLY the proc ehancements for the AT sets (because as already pointed out, the range benefit seems wasted to me, especially on this very close range build). I put them both in Frost Breath along with 4 other Procs and I am quite liking the result. I am about to do my level 50 respec and I think Im going to put them in Blizzard. Thus when I cast it I should get a Ward on each cast and an opportunity on every other cast. I believe this will significantly up its utility and predictability. In short am ignoring the set bonuses in favor of the Procs only.
That all makes sense. I am going to take a much closer look at the effect of these enhancemnts in Gameplay. I never really gave them much thought is was just standard for me to buy them. and slot them where it seemed to make sense. And as I do this more questions come to mind - (answers to which I can not find on through a search). Does anyone know... 1. What is the amount of Absorb on the Sentinel's Ward? How long does is passively last? Does if proc off "CAST" or "HIT". 2. For Opportunity Strike. Is this Proc actually good? How long does it last and does it proc off of CAST or HIT? At 1 per minute, I wonder if this particular Enhancemt set can be left over for a purple set (wherein you have the option to do so). For example the set Bonuses from Ragnarok seem of more use and if one had to choose between the two, would Raganrok be a better option? 3. How do Sentinel AT enhancements stack up to others in general is the feeling they are better, worse or about equal to the others?
Hello, I have been thinking about this of late and I wanted to see if there was a consensus or some insight on this topic. Specifically what skills or skill types are best for placing your Sentinel AT Enhancements. For example, do you find they are best suited for Melee, Ranged, PBAOE, Long Cool Downs, Short, High Damage... Etc. For myself, I have tended towards placing them in Ranged Single Target with Low to Medium Cool Downs - because they affect self. I have also placed them in cone AoEs, but I honestly can't make an arguement as to why I am doing it this way or if this is best use.. Thoughts?
I have to Echo the awesomeness that is Chain Fences and Ligthning Field. I will routinely trim two Powers from the offensive side just to get these. If you only have room to take one, The immobilize powers completely change the nature of any battle to your advantage. I have experimented with taking all 5 in various respecs and In this case I think I like Ice the best overall. Probably because a Control heavy Sentinel seems to have won out as my favourite playstyle.
Help! First 50, new to Mids and maxing stats. Dual Pistol / Super Reflexes
Exqzr984 replied to JackPowers's topic in Sentinel
Hello, The Sentinel Forums seem kind of quiet of late and I am not the best advice giver, but I do have a little bit of experience with the Sentinel AT and Sentinels with SR in particular. First, what you have looks good. There is nothing you NEED to change. But some thoughts follow.... I can say that as you go further into incarnate you will find you need less powerrs from your Dual Pistols than what you think you need. Typically I have 4 to 6 powers from the Offensive side, which rotate perfectly so there is always something worthwhile to cast. So for example, if you dropped 2 powers from Dual Pistols and Hasten - which you also wont really need exccept to get in a few more Hail of Bullets. You culd opt for the Sorc tree - which is my personal favourite on Sentinels. You can grab Spirit Ward, Enflame (an awesome and imo underrated power) and Rune of Protection - which is, quite possibly my favourite power for a sentinel. This is especially true when combined with Toughness and SR. This trio makes you virtually unkillable. IT also allows you to grab a that sweet Muscle Alpha for 33% extra damage, while you tank everything right in the centre of the mobs pushing out your Hail. You could also take Mystic Flight, Drop Fly and evasive maneuvers and go ahead and take Elude. I read somewhere in a guide that this skill was safely skippable and this mindset has become sort of Gospel when using the SR Defensive set. I think this is debatable postition. It can come in very handy and yes there is a crash, but thematically, a crash is kind of fun to play around. As for what to do with your 200 Million. This really depends on if you are playing mostly Solo or in teams and what sort of playstyle most resonates with you. I will almost always default to an Off Tank build, so I wlll go a bit heavy on the Defensive slotting. I might put six slots in some powers you would typically see 3 or 4 (Toughness for example). If you want to max your DPS, you will typically keep your defensive slotting to a minimum and made sure all your offense powers are fully slotted (by the way, this is easy to do if you trim these down as previously mentioned. You enhancement selection is of course also directly tied to your prefferred playstyle. The enhancemets themselves will show you *the way* For example, for a build and a budget I particularly like Entropic Chaos as a 5 slot and adding Decimation and/or Devastation. This is 8 to 10 million per set. I also very much like Annhilation @ 7 Million, a -res and Got lo love Annihilation 5 3% endurance discount. Add a few Unbrekable 2s for a cheap way to significantly help your endurance management Another idea that I find is essentially cannon in builds is that if a power does damage, slot it with damage. I think this is also a debatable position - particularly on a Sentinel. For example, if you have a power that can slot To Hit Debuff sets, you can immediately see how this could synergize with SR. A very cheap DArk Watchers set not only furthers your already incredible damage avoidance - it helps your entire team. The 25% rechange slow proc is going to do alot of work in those tough fights were a little more control goes a long way. Under the hood abilities, i.e. those where you do not see numbers on your screen, are often overlooked - which is why they are cheap. It is because they are overlooked and cheap the bang for your buck is very high. Pretty much all of the soft sets are undervalued. I tend to usee them alot in value builds and only replace them when the Purples start rolling in. Good luck and I hope you enjoy Sentinels as much as I do. -
Here is an update: I managed to make a Stable build at Level 50 with 15 Toggles using Dual Pistols, Dark Armor and Electricity. The build features 24 slots dedidated to Endurance Modification. 6 in each of Stamina, Chain Fences, Static Field and Soul Transfer. I have a 16th Toggle (Spirit Ward) which is just a bit too much to sustain without say Cardio as the Alpha. Endurance Serum is running all the time as well. The build can survive 4/8 Radios but it is squishy - more than I thought it would be. I leaned quite a bit in doing this particularly in how to keep up endurance at all levels. I also quite like Infiltraion - a skill I had never even considered in the past. In fact I have developed a whole new appreciation for the Concealment powers. Note, I tried something similar with a scrapper using Psychic Melee and Bio Armor. Got to 14 toggles. That build is MUCH better ad I dont really know why but it performs so well I may just keep the crazy toggle build on the Scrapper, but I do not think I can run a 15 toggle Sentinel Build as a serious contender for long term play value (Maybe 13 would be the realistic upper limit for a strong character that is heavy on the toggles.
O.k. did some more on this. I did not consider movement skills in the 12 that I came up with. as I was considering Combat related toggles But I think Hover and Evasive flight should count just as Combat Jumping and Acrobatics should as they all have some non redundant value in combat. I also missed Dual Pistols Swap Ammo - Definitely this should count at a toggle. I think its reasonable restrict any skill used solely for movement. in the total Toggle Count and Thus Dark Armor - the king of toggles. (6) Dual Pistols Swap ammo (1) Hover/Evasive flight (2) Combat Jumping /Acrobatics (2) optionally Stealth/Infiltraion Or Sprit Ward/ Enflame. Assault/Tactics/Manuevers (3) Toughness/Weave (2) Lightning Field (1) So Dual Pistols/Dark Armor/Electricity with the add ons can net you 17 Toggles. This could be fun.
(This paragraph has been added to the original post below)... After reading the comments and considering this in yet more deprth I am going to put some considtions on this in order to make the build playable while still staying true to the concept. Thus, The Criteria for thsi is as follows. To have a level 50 Sentinel Character with the most amount of sustainable and simultaneously active Toggles as possible. Wherein, 1. The Build must have a full rotation (likely 5 offensive powers) of offensive combat abilities (i.e. actually be able to fight at +4/8 when completed). 2. The Toggles must have some benefit in a combat situation and not be redundant. This is because you can have more than one travel power to up the toggle count but this would actually contavene the spirit of what I am attempting to accomplish. 3. The word Toggle must be found somewhere in the description or the wiki for the power. There is some question if Voltaic Sentinel is a Toggle - I can not find the word toggle anwhere in its description. For this reason and also to maybe help a bit with what ill be the most EnD hungry build I have ever attemted, I will use Dual Pistols as the only offensive set with a Toggle. Wth the above in mind, the oomments I have read and the heeded warning about dipping into a nightmare, I believe I can make a combat ready build with 18 Simultaneously sustained active Toggles. I would like to point out thsi is just for fun (or torture as has been suggested). As they say, don't try this at home. Wish me luck, As the title suggests. I am trying to find the most toggles possible using any availble power sets. I was able to get to 12 toggles on my test sheet. would like to know if anyone can beat that. Did I miss something? I find myself doing a lot of off meta experiments of late and this is my latest. crazy idea. This is just for fun, but I will make a Sentinel to Test it out the MOST TOGGLES build (with the Character name Dr. Max Toggles) and follow up with the builds pros and cons in a posted review. P.s. Also got to figure out a way to handle the insane endurance requirements.
Hello, Its been awhile since I have posted in forums but since I have a Water Regen Sent at Vet 40, I have some insight with this particular build. My take is probbsly very different than most., but it works. Mids is not working for me so picture is shown below. First, I have found that Regen is the most difficult Defensive set for me to manage. It is also the most exciting! My health bar yo-yos up and down with frightening speed. I only play this character when I want a very active button mashing session. I decided on a build that is completely different than any of my other sentinel builds. Specifically, I leaned heavily into the Health and Regen side of things. Obviously, this is not a budget build. But the concept can be inferred. Lots and Lots of Healing Set. And not seen here is Field Medic, Aid Self, Aid other and also Destiny Rebirth. Miracle can be subbed for all the numinas. For sure you will need to invest in Preventative medicine as your key set. On the offensive side... To get to 50 I used the following Aqua Bolt Entropic Chaos with a nice addition of Decimation. Water Jet Entropic Chaos with Devastation. Dehydrate Theft of Essence plus Regenerative Tissue Steam Spray Analyze Weakness Geyser Annihilation Whirlpool Positron/Bombardment/Annihilation/Numina's PROCS Play style is a Skirmisher. You fly in, drown everything in your way and then back up to recover from or even avoid the counter attack. I often play around Moment of Glory and Second Wind cooldowns. Best of luck would love to hear back on what you choose to do and how it worked out.
Looking for 1 or maybe 2 players to fill out our group that was tranaported from FR to Paragon to take on and Destroy Mot. Fantasy Characters of FR race and a DnD type theme. No tech, guns etc. Currently level 18 - No xp boosts and no uplifting from other characters. RP is light and fun. No Adult Content. Team is goal oriented and uses discord for on the fly RP. If interested reply here or in a private message.
I like this. Clean and elegant. But yeah the Superior Sentinels could get expensive. 3 Slotted Gamblers - I think is better than 5 - 5 seems uneeded. Unslot the boxing. Here is a question though, do you really need both Whirlpool and Froszen Aura to be 6 slotted? And would it be feasible to drop one or the other for an Immobilze? It alot of investment on two Tick AOES that take time to cast.