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About JoeSchmoe

  • Birthday 10/28/1985

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  1. Way back in Beta, I heard a rumor that the Devs were working on a "Monkey Island" Power Pool that was like the reverse Leadership Pool, and you were mocking and taunting your enemies. I think a better nickname now would be the Deadpool Power Pool, but regardless, I wanted to suggest this set. I think this would be great for Tanks, Brutes, Sentinels, and Masterminds, as it would draw Agro like all Debuffs do. Here's just a quick idea of what a "Reverse Leadership" pool would look in my mind, but obviously it could be balanced or enhanced further. Banter Power Pool Mocking: Toggle, PBAoE Taunt, -DEF(All) Belittlement: Toggle, PBAoE Enemy Taunt, -DMG Fooling: Toggle, PBAoE Enemy Taunt, - ACC Ridicule: Ranged (Targeted AoE) Slow, -Recharge Embarrassment: Ranged (Targeted AoE) -DEF, -DMG, -ACC
  2. I just want to hop in here and also say I want Super Strength on Scrappers and Stalkers. I think all sets should just be proliferated and anything can be tweaked/balanced.
  3. Heya! I was No-Show, Slaphappy, and Joe back in the day! I see lots of familiar names!
  4. Yo! Joe, or No-Show, or Slaphappy here. Seems all those names are taken though, so might be a clean slate for me too! Is there a GlobalChannel going?
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