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  1. I have a DP/MC blaster, and I take Suppressive fire, fully proc'd out with Apocalypse chance for -energy, GW chance for psi, Unbreakable chance for Smashing, Neuronic chance for psi, and Gladiator's Net chance for lethal, and Gladiator's Javelin chance for Toxic. I really love suppressive fire with procs because it has like zero animation time, especially compared to the other ST attacks in the set. It's the quickest firing attack (though admittedly, I haven't tried Pistols). I love it as a proc bomb. It hits like an absolute truck for damage, especially related to it's animation time.
  2. My SG did a Keyes iTrial last night on Excel and noticed all the Victoria Bosses in Reactors 1-3 were replaced with War Walkers, and in the bunkers and in Reactor 2 they were replaced with Sentry bot bosses. It actually made the trial easier, since you didn't have to deal with Victoria melee spam while trying to click glowies.
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