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  1. Can you post the build you did in Mids. I would love to take a look at it
  2. Is it possible to get a Hami bud from the PTW vendor? I am sure that the model still exists even if we do not use it any more after Hami is killed. Thanks In advance Tax
  3. Sometimes you gotta bring your extra nightvision goggles too
  4. There are THREADS yes but there is no dedicated FORUM for Supergroup activities, Post that are static , SO you are not looking through threads. The last Forum had a dedicated SUPERGROUP FORUM
  5. Those Looks cool! My instructions were unclear. I was asking to photoshop the original i posted but add those special effects. My photoshop is outdated and being updated
  6. Someone wanna take a stab at making her hands glowing more and energy leaking out the sides of her glowing eyes? My Photoshop is being wonky I think I need a new version.
  7. Thanks everyone for the prompts. Love you all!
  8. I made so many !
  9. Here is a few of my E/E blaster QUARX
  10. It would be nice to have a forum that is just for supergroups. So that we can keep all the noise about SGs in one place. The old forums had it and we used it quite a bit. Thanks in advance
  11. J-Force STYLE!!! is a state of mind and a place where you go to to face plant.
  12. With so many people re-joining and looking for their supergroups, it just makes sense. Plus I wanna start new RP with my SG mems. Thanks in advance POOFTAH!
  13. I am not hooked up with them on IG.
  14. TAXEE here! The answer is Bacon. It is always BACON!!!
  15. >TAXEE teleports in to this thread in a big whoosh! >Looks around and says " Sup SUkkahs! Special Hello to Morna and Rose" >She powers up her suit as she starts to glow! "Well as if we were gone? Nope NEVAH was... J-FORCE STYLE, Babies!!! >In a burst of energy she is enveloped in a glow of light and electrical smoke "See yah on the streets! JFS!!!" >Pooftah she is gone
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