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Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
Player created events, i.e. SNS, costume contests, Hami, MSR, etc. all create impact to a zone. No, they are random and therefore less predictable than a scheduled event on a low population server in a lowbie zone on a Saturday night. The person who runs the event has asked that Kronos not be spawned. You can be a contrarian for contrarian sake and argue that someone spawned it before (the 'but little Johnny did it' argument), argue that you are confused as to why it was asked that it not be spawned anymore (you are not owed an explanation, which is entitled behavior btw), go on about how it impacts others (All of those quest runners in Skyway City on a Saturday night on Torch? Get real, lol. The only time where there would be less people there is on a Sunday night. That event breathes life into a slow server at a slow time.), and complain about my attitude (woof! woof!), but it all boils down to this. She asked for it to stop. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, go create your own event and Kronos each other until you can't move anymore. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
On that we agree, but I doubt we agree on where it is coming from. No, I'm just pointing out the error of your ways. This is a player created and run event scheduled for the same time each week. Thankfully the Game Masters have leeway and use common sense regarding things like player created events, i.e. SNS, costume contests, Hami, MSR, etc. Anyone can see that this is an established event NOT meant to grief others, but something that the community can all do together. This isn't using dimension shift on Hami, or dragging Monsters to a costume contest, where the intent is to harass/harm/troll and that makes it different. Rikti/zombie invasions could be considered griefing using your logic. They aren't and neither is SNS. I'm sure the community as a whole will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you are on the case. You run on along now and do that, ya here? -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
I'm not your buddy, guy. Kali needs no one to white knight for her. Might want to check your entitlement - You and your echo chamber buddy keep tossing the word entitlement around, and I'm sorry (not really) but I have to do this: I'm not entitled to anything. Kali created the event, she runs the event, and does it for the server's enjoyment. She politely asked in broadcast on Saturday that Kronos not be brought to the event she runs. You speak of confusion and the need for 'clarification and insight' into the reasons why Kronos shouldn't be brought to the event. The person who runs the event asked that it be stopped. What more do you need? Does Kali owe you/everyone an explanation on why she asked that it be stopped? No. Does she owe you/everyone an explanation on how the event is run? No. Are you/everyone owed an explanation on why some group used Kronos in the past? No. Plain and simple, she asked that it be stopped. It doesn't matter if everyone on the server did it in the past, she asked that it end. You use the word entitlement, but who is acting entitled? You probably should have also quoted the rest of their post: It is not a driver issue unless the change to the GMs caused driver issues, which it didn't. Its not just her. A lot of people have complained to her about the Kronos problem. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
One more time: Whatever the issue is, she asked for it to stop, period. Please respect what she has asked for. She asked that in broadcast on Saturday and she stated it here tonight on the forums. It should be crystal clear to you and everyone else as to how she feels about it. Regardless of who did what/when, this is what she is asking for. Please respect what she has asked for. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
I'll repeat this: Whatever the issue is, she asked for it to stop, period. Please respect what she has asked for. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
I'll leave this here for you. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/code-of-conduct/#multiboxing-policy Multiboxing Policy We allow a basic level of multiboxing on the Homecoming servers outside of peak times. These rules apply on a shard-by-shard basis (by ‘shard’ we mean Torchbearer, Excelsior, etc). If the status indicator for a shard is green (1 dot) or yellow (2 dots), you may play with up to three accounts at once. If the status indicator for a shard is red (3 dots, 1,100+ players) you may only play with a single account. If you are caught multiboxing repeatedly while a shard is red (1,100+ players players logged in), all of action will be taken against your account including being disconnected from the game or temorarily or permanently banned. It is your responsibility to monitor server status and current player count if you wish to multibox. You can do this both on our website and in the #live-shards channel on our Discord. An exception to this rule is raid zones (The Hive, The Abyss, the Labyrinth of Fog, etc.) which have a limited population cap. Multiboxing is not allowed in these zones. Breaking this rule may result in all of your characters being removed from the zone and short-term suspensions being issued for repeat offenders. Finally, Game Masters may request that you stop multiboxing during events such as the Halloween and Winter events to reduce server load or decongest populated areas. Please note that this policy does not apply to groups of players simply playing from the same home/network. It only applies to individuals playing multiple accounts on their own. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
Whatever the issue is, she asked for it to stop, period. Please respect what she has asked for. -
Question for the HC folk - Do Giant Monsters cause lag?
DarkRevelation replied to ZacKing's topic in General Discussion
She is the one who politely asked that Kronos not be brought to the event that she started, runs and maintains every Saturday. This is certainly an odd way to show your appreciation for her efforts. -
Yes, I understand that you were in a 'raid' of nine people, in a brand new zone/encounter in a game that doesn't get new zones/encounters very often, which killed the Minotaur. Now stop and ask yourself why were there only nine people in that raid? Low pop server? Maybe, but enough to dampen the excitement of a new zone/encounter? I doubt it. We run the only organized Lab runs on our server right now, and the most we can get is just under three teams. That is with us only running it once a week. Why? It should be packed with people trying this out, but it isn't. This is why: Let me post that last line again so it sinks in: It was neat the one time I went, there's better things to do with my time in game. Over, over and over this is what we hear from people about the zone. When asked what people thought about the Minotaur/Lab this is what we get. They'd rather run something they have run a thousand times before than do this new encounter because it simply isn't worth the investment of their time. They will run something that benefits them more. Again the cost vs reward ratio is not adequate as it stands right now. I'm sure they can pull numbers on the zone and see that people are just not using it. The word is out that it isn't worth it and people are staying away, save to get the badges and move on. @Glacier Peak the rewards may be fine for you, and may be fine for some others, but it doesn't matter if you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and loudly say 'THE REWARDS ARE FINE FOR THE MINOTAUR AND THE LAB' as many times as you want, the numbers in the raids do not lie. We are lucky to get twenty at one time doing it only once a week. The same thing was brought up while it was on the test server. It's neat, but not worth my time. Do you understand now? Regardless of your feelings there is a prevailing attitude amongst the player base that this isn't worth their time. Keep championing that this is fine, enjoy your 'raids' of nine people and watch them slowly dwindle away. The numbers do not lie; most people are not using the zone outside of badges. It isn't worth their time. See how many people show up to your 'raid' once the Halloween event starts. People will be biting/kicking/scratching to get in one of the multiple full raids going, because THAT is worth their time. I really like this zone and want to see people using it, but I can't sell how cool it is to a lot of people. I need help in the form of meaningful rewards or it will wither and die, if it hasn't already.
Your comparison is strictly reward based, which does not take into account other factors. What is the time investment and manpower required for defeating those GMs compared to the Minotaur? It is nowhere near the same. I don't know how many PUGs you have lead in the lab so far, but the time investment for someone who does is currently very steep. You don't just get to toss out a few things in league chat and take off. Granted, a lot of this is because it is new and a good bit of people have not invested any time in learning the Lab (at all), but the cost vs reward ratio is not adequate as it stands right now in my opinion, and unfortunately others as well. It takes a good bit of time to explain what needs done, why it needs done, how to do it, and when to do it. I love the zone and am very thankful for it, but it is not a simple tank and spank like your aforementioned GMs. It is going to take time to explain this to people, organize the run, do the run, and then all of the administrative tasks afterwards, which I will cover later on. I helped run one last week and I don't know how many times I was asked if this was really worth it. When I asked why didn't they think it was worth it, I was told the same answer by everyone. 'Yes we are getting more XP/INF but it is slower, and the rewards suck'. These were all lvl 50s who don't care as much about XP/INF past a certain point. A lvl 45 in there is all but carried. You can do that with a few 45s, but not too many. People want things to make their characters bigger/faster/stronger/different, and not just for that zone. Something needs to be boosted if you want people to use it and I'll explain. Take the Mapserver event a few months back. I swear some people would have kicked their grandmother down a flight of steps to get a spot in some of those raids. Why? Obviously the boosted XP from 1-50. We run Hamidon raids on Torch twice a day, 3-4 runs per raid, and most are close to capacity seven days a week. Why? The amount of reward merits has people there two hours a day every single day of the week. The cost of their time versus the reward of that amount of RMs spread out over alts drives that level of attendance. Love it or hate it, some people use AE to level/farm, even after multiple nerfs to XP/inf in those missions. I'm not going to go into why I think it is used so much, as it is a hot button topic and not for this thread. Regardless It is used extensively, and all day every day. We do iTrial runs twice a week, and they fill up. Again, the (chance) of getting something meaningful to improve their characters via incarnate materials. Not just a single chance at getting a shitty 'Enchanted Sand' either; multiple runs so the odds of not getting screwed by a having a 'Detailed Reports run' even out somewhat. Incarnate rolls are nice, but getting a common multiple runs in a row is like getting socks for Christmas. No one wants that shit. I mean its better than Aether/Primals to me, but not by a lot. I don't care one bit for aethers/primals; some do though. Adding a single incarnate roll is better than nothing for the Lab, but I can hit those other iTrial runs and have a much better chance at getting better incarnate items by sheer volume alone, and in less time than it takes to do the Lab in almost all cases, save for UG, and that currently would still be faster than the Lab. It isn't going to be enough to entice people to come in. I don't think it will even be close. The only thing in the game that I know of that has pretty good rewards but most people stay the Hell away from are the Shadow Shard TFs when they are the WST. It ain't worth it, no matter the reward in that case, i.e. time investment and aggravation. What I have seen so far is that people come in wanting the badges, and they cut out shortly after a few minutes of fighting mobs. The loss of shifts/levels means that they start taking damage at a higher rate. Even if you kept on going grinding mobs in the Lab after a Minotaur kill, the degradation of the level shifts from fighting mobs alone means you still need to hunt MalFogs to stay ahead of the curve. It looks like that is being addressed hopefully. The issue is that grinding mobs right after the Minotaur kill is not how things are being done, especially in a PUG. You have to factor in the amount of time it takes after a Minotaur kill right now to explain where XYZ is, and these badges are here/there/everywhere, motes, etc. Hopefully that will ease over time, but it will not if people don't use the zone. Right now people want the badges more than anything that I have seen, by far. That will eventually dry up and isn't sustainable for the zone to keep people coming back. We managed to retain enough people afterwards on the last run where we were able to grind mobs for 30 minutes, but that left only 30 minutes for the badges/motes, which is cutting it close shuttling people around, especially with most not core attuned. Unfortunately these were also the people who asked if this was really worth it, and they are the ones who stayed. The others just ducked out when things got tougher. If I had any asks for this zone I would ask that the XP/rewards/merits/something be boosted to make it notably worthwhile where people want to come in, and not just for the badges. I would also ask that the time be extended between the Minotaur death and its re-spawn, say two hours instead of one? It would allow more people who are unfamiliar with the zone to come in and look around and see that it is an awesome place without our buddy hunting them down in 3-5 minutes. It would give a raid more time to do all of the administrative things post-Minotaur kill, like badges/motes/etc. and still allow for time to run through the zone grinding out mobs. I am very thankful that I explored on the test server when I could kill the Minotaur with the test server tools, so I could get a better feel for the place. I don't know how much I would be doing in the zone had I not been able to see what all that I saw there. I love the zone. I go in there on my lunch break and stealth around and play keep-a-way with the Minotaur. It is its own mini-game for me. I hope that more people will come in and see how awesome it is. We need some help though to get people in, and keep them there beyond the badges.
Focused Feedback: The Labyrinth of Fog
DarkRevelation replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I'll be out of town for the next week, so hopefully Betty can bump into what we saw. GL -
Focused Feedback: The Labyrinth of Fog
DarkRevelation replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Went in tonight with drastically different results. Same two as before, with a 3rd, and couldn't damage him at all. We had been able to slowly work the health down with two, but the addition of a third put it out of reach for us with what we know worked the day before. I apologize for not getting any popup testing in, but for whatever reason we couldn't scratch the Minotaur at all tonight. -
Focused Feedback: The Labyrinth of Fog
DarkRevelation replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I assumed it was at 50/25%, but obviously that wasn't the case. We had it pop up multiple times during the fight, so I will try to get something for you. We are going back in tonight. -
Focused Feedback: The Labyrinth of Fog
DarkRevelation replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
What do you need from me that would help you the most?