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Posts posted by TrueRaiden

  1. I remember in the early days of CoH where a tank would gather up a massive group of enemies, typically happened in Brickstown, and would jump into a large container or "Dumpster".  It was something like a clown car, where impossible amounts of enemies would all be crammed into this little box and then your Blasters would Build-up and nuke the whole lot.


    Leveling up back then was quite a slow task and people were pretty inventive with methods of boosting people.  Did anyone here participate in this activity back in the old times?  I helped my group as much as I could as a Controller with the Kinetic power set.  I had some usefulness in the form of Speed Boosting the Tank, but the work was mostly done by the Tank and Blasters.

  2. Hi guys, a former City of Heroes player (Illusion/Kinetic controller, Ghost' *US/Mistress Divine *EU) just dropping in to say hello and to offer a possible solution.


    As we know, giving donations to pay for the game directly is way too risky due to copyright issues etc.  What if the creator was to host a steam on twitch every now and then and we could donate to that person directly.  That wouldn't be breaking any rules would it?  We would be supporting the streamer and not the game directly after all. 



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