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  1. Cute idea, but given that the current team has no animators, suggesting this is kinda pointless.
  2. Wait, they don't have an artist or animator? That means there's no point in suggesting anything here, at least from my end. Thank you for the information.
  3. And so we're supposed to give up, not try and see if we can get it right? It's been years, it can be tried again. There's an entire beta client for that purpose.
  4. I want more power pools. 😛
  5. I'd prefer different flight poses. Less Superman when you're using rocket books or jetpacks.
  6. Fair enough, maybe solely was the wrong word to use. Would primarily be better? (Honest question). Either way, it's a tiny bother for me, but it does bother.
  7. This is a teeny tiny lore 'bug' that I'm sure most players will ignore, but to me it's a bother. In the Story Arc Collateral Damage, Petty Officer (Assuming 3rd class) Laura Lockhart addresses you as 'Sir' before informing you that you were given a temporary rank of Sergeant. First off a Petty Officer is Naval including Coast Guard Rank, SGT is what the other forces, like Army and Marine, use. And unless she's PO3 (Petty Officer 3rd Class, which is what the others call Corporal), she's ALSO equivalent to a SGT on up. In fact, she might outrank you is she's a Petty Officer 1st Class. Also, in the American military the honorific Sir is solely used for Officers, like Lieutenants or higher. Petty Officers and Sergeants are Enlisted, so you call them by their rank, which in this case would be Sergeant. I know most players, and even roleplayers wouldn't care about such a tiny thing, but the only reason I went down this rabbit hole is because one of my current characters is former U.S. Army and I'm one of those losers who cares too much about lore and want to get the 'backstory' right. If I have a suggestion, it's to change her rank to Corporal and have her call you Sergeant in place of Sir. IF possible. Otherwise, I will suck it up. Thank you for your time.
  8. Hmm, going to keep mine as a player character, but cool idea!
  9. Adding Escrima or just dual sticks to DB combat. I have an old character from the original game and I always wished I could have given him dual sticks, like Daredevil, Nightwing, Night Thrasher and a myriad of other heroes in comics that use two clubs.
  10. This is great stuff, especially since I JUST came back to the game after the original shut down. Is there a guide for the quest chains or story arcs or whatever they're called (It's been SO LONG)? Like the early Supradine one for Heroes.
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