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angar 100

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Everything posted by angar 100

  1. Back in what I will refer to as CoH classic pocket D was a wasteland of NSFW chat lewds and other problems. Unless things have changed I don't enter pocket D
  2. Sadly this requires going to pocket D so I will not be doing this content.
  3. Last I ask this by NOT doing this content or Not doing incarnate content do I diminish or lessen my enjoyment of the game?
  4. Thanks for the update. I will treat midnighters like I treat pocket D content I ignore. For me midnighters club dose not exist. Just like pocket D. It's sad really but I would like to play in my own way and style. In the end it's my choice. And opinion. Thanks for responding. And again sorry for the trouble
  5. Half my enhancements I get I can't use and while the cash is good I rather get only ones I can use. Is this possible?
  6. Then I will never enter it
  7. I will delete the hero in question and not take that contacts quest again. The problem is that I want to play in my own way. I accidentally opened something I do not want for my play style. I don't like the fact the quest never told me what I was getting into sorry to trouble you. If you can please modify the contract so a player knows it unlocks group content that the player may not wish to proceed with.
  8. I will delete the hero in question and not take that contacts quest again. The problem is that I want to play in my own way. I accidentally opened something I do not want for my play style. I don't like the fact the quest never told me what I was getting into sorry to trouble you.
  9. Can a GM remove me?
  10. I accidentally joined Midnighters thinking it was like twin shots shining stars. I' do NOT want any part of it how do I quit it? Can a GM remove my hero from it?
  11. I will start a different thread but I would do this event if it was in any other zone except pocket D
  12. how do I remove gaynymede as a contact?
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