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Everything posted by waltuski

  1. I thought I'd read it somewhere.. Early in January 2005, Marvel sent NCsoft screenshots of characters it claimed represented copyright infringements, but apparently NCsoft had suspicions that Marvel itself had actually created the heroes it submitted as infringing content. In a move I’m sure no one expected, NCsoft asked Marvel whether it was responsible for the heroes it had submitted. A month later, Marvel did indeed admit it had created the heroes it alleged to be infringing in four of the images submitted with the complaint
  2. Wasn't it some Marvel employees making Marvel characters on CoH back in the day?!
  3. Either way, I imagine playing CoH and creating similar characters would help inject some "needed" interest/funds back into Marvel & DC etc.. It's definitely made me pick-up a few comics recently
  4. I do hope more people use this thread to post AI artwork rather than using the art-commissions one
  5. I drew my character.. Kiri Otoshi - Brute/Claws/Invulnerability She's a kind of crossover between Wolverine & Electra Assassin
  6. Thanks, I'll give it a try
  7. I'm not seeing speech-bubbles either. Just characters waving their arms around and nodding etc, as if they're supposed to be talking. I'm referring to a few missions but the one that sticks in my mind is the one featuring Veres in Kings Row
  8. I've fiddled with my audio settings but I can't seem to get them to work unfortunately
  9. Thanks, I can continue now!
  10. I'm on the mission 'Rescue Manticore' but I have no idea where to find him. It only suggests 'board transit' on my compass. I've searched the maps but can't seem to spot him on any either. When I click on contacts, Twinshot - who gave the mission just says that we need to find him (great help she is!)
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