The video didn't work.
With this, "Only one of each piece of the set can exist on the entire build" you are saying I can only have 1 Dam/End Hecatomb between all of my powers. I can't have a Dam/End Hecatomb on Smashing Blow and another on Body Blow? The Crushing Impact allows it and they both enhancements say mainly the same things in the power itself when you mouse over it. Which is another thing I checked, thinking back.
I figured the part about the Brute enhancements out the first time around and that's why I removed everything from the power and tried to re-slot it that way. I was making sure that even though I was replacing a Dam/Rech Crushing Impact with a Dam/End Hecatomb, that there were no other conflicts that way. I am trying as many things as I can think of because I know there's not that big of a team for troubleshooting and fixing. I was a tradesman before I got sick and I hate it when people come in and say "it's broken, fix it" because that don't tell me squat because I can see it's obviously broken because you're here. I try to avoid that at all costs if I can.
My video was to show what was going on better then I could explain it. I am aware of how the enhancements work and I even reviewed all my bookmarks, Reddit and troubleshot it before I sent a message here. I believe I also asked questions in game to make sure I wasn't over looking something silly before I started this thread.
Now as I mentioned above, I did have the same issue with a Superior Brute one, name eludes me currently (Shield one), in the Smashing Blow power. The first time I tried to put it in there, no green came up at all in the power. I went triple checked that it did infact take the Brute Archtype enhancements in the power, it did, so I picked it up again and then the circle lit up. Same enhancement, slot placement and same spot in over flow tray, both times. The little I know from game software programming I took in 2006 says it may be a small conflict somewhere. Wasn't happening before the Halloween event and I am willing to wait until it's over to see if it isn't something in that code or whatever they use these days. I can still buy the enhancements and put them in the auction house for now. I can wait and it won't kill me to wait. Just trying to be a bit proactive to help the community out a bit.