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About EmperorThiccatus

  • Birthday 03/11/1985

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  1. "Personal Log; attempt 97,551 of searching for a stable timeline to Paragon city in which the destruction of the city was avoided.... Timeline locked, opening Oroborus Portal..... Portal is.... STABLE! HOLY SH** IT'S STABLE!" Starrball stood amazed. So many attempts, so many times he thought he had it, only to have the portal collapse just before he could step through. He found it, he finally found a stable timeline. It's been almost twelve years since the cataclysm destroyed Paragon city and ended the timeline. Starrball, and a small group of heroes who were working with the Oroboros group had escaped the destruction by jumping to the alternate reality in which the Oroboros group operated from. While the other heroes had given up, and moved on to different dimensions and timelines for other cities in which heroes resided, Starrball never gave up. He knew that there had to be a timeline out there where the city and its inhabitants had survived. He had to find a timeline where his daughter was still alive. He hadn't had enough time to rescue her, before Oroboros closed the portals so that the energy backlash didn't damage them. Starrball picked up his helmet, locked over his head, and stepped through the Portal. For the first time in 12 years, he was home.
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