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  1. After grabbing the latest LaunchCat zip archive and launching LaunchCat.app, I am now getting the same crash as @Shadow Kitty.
  2. Thank you for the quick response. Following this link results in an HTTP 404 response. Edit: Instead of "launcher.zip", I tried "launchcat.zip" (making the URL https://launchcat.powermadsoftware.com/launchcat.zip) and this file existed on the web server. This zip archive also works as expected.
  3. Thank you for developing and providing this software, @GM Manga. I'm experiencing the same symptom as @Avengerbot and @Eugirdor. I'm using the current https://islandrum.powermad.net/mac-installer.zip under macOS Sonoma version 14.4.1. I've provided a screenshot below. I've let this sit for over 15 minutes on 2 separate attempts and the operation seemingly hangs every time.
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