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Everything posted by Siwyenbast

  1. Personally, I'll second the ankle boots, and add a couple of things. Namely, an actual necklace slot with various neck pieces, including an Egyptian broad collar. No Ancient Egyptian hero or villain should be seen without their usekh. 🙂 A lot more Ancient Egyptian things overall, but to be specific, a winged disk tiara, Eye of Horus tiara, a pattern on skirts for both male and female that shows the drape, smaller cuff-type wristbands, animated cat ears, dual channel makeup (I don't want my lipstick and eyeliner to match) rings, Egyptian-y belts, armlets not attached to the chest, an actual halter top that isn't a bikini, and a couple more things that I don't have off the top of my head. Maybe a graphical update, too, if the license and engine allows for it. Yes, I know that the content people are volunteers and working with an almost 25 year old game and assets, so it's limited on what they can do. I just wanted to put this out there as a heads up. Thanks y'all, and look forward to it, if it's possible.
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