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  1. Hello again HC forum! Today, I wanted to pitch minor changes to the alignment power in the game. Now before anything, I do want to say that this is not to make alignment powers mandatory or to force "meta" picks. Alignment powers are nice little occasional bonuses and making one of them so good that you're encouraged to always be that alignment is hazardous to game health. Consider any numbers in the pitch potential. In addition, alignment powers are just a nice little bonus. I don't believe they should be the case where you design a whole build around something you get as a little bonus to your alignment. With that out of the way, let's look at what the alignment powers currently are: Hero: PBAoE, large bonus to self+ally damage, bonus to hit Vigilante: PBAoE, Minor fear to low level enemies (Minions or lower), lower to hit Rogue: PBAoE, Minor confuse to low level enemeis (Minions or lower), lower damage Villain: PBAoE, self-recharge bonus, bonus based on class (Brutes get fury, Dominators get dom, etc.) From this glance, it's easy to see that certain powers are just flat-out better. "Pure" alignments are the clear winners when it comes to these powers, granting sizeable bonuses to the entire team for a short time. On the other hand, intermediary alignments are...bad. For a few reasons: The magnitude of the CC is extremely low at mag 2. These aren't going to be hitting everyone often. They only affect extremely low-level enemies. (Minions and below) Most enemies you encounter will completely ignore this. The numbers for the lowering damage and to-hit are only about 10% each. Vigilante/Rogue powers require you to be near enemies vs. Hero/Villain require you being near allies. Now there IS the benefit that these powers have half the cooldown of the other alignments (3 min. for intermediates vs. 6 min. for pure), but this further exacerbates the balance discrepency. Putting the cooldown at 6 minutes vs. 3 means you have to adjust appropriate levels of power to these skills: The vigilante/rogue skills can never be too good as they are due to only being 3 minutes. So what can we do to improve these skills? There's a handful of ideas, not all of which should be done, but potential ways to improve the powers as seen fit: Push the Rogue/Vigilante powers to be at 6 minutes like the hero/villain powers, buff them accordingly to affect stronger foes/have greater debuffs. Rework these powers to be the "selfish" variants of the hero/villain types as Rogues are concerned only for themselves lore-wise and vigilantes put their quest for justice above all else. Further push other alignment powers to be more varied based on your alignment. I'd love to hear what others have in mind!
  2. So the problem with KB isn't necessarily that it's bad for you, but it makes doing team content with a kheldian a pain in the fucking ass. Say you're a tanker who just got everyone nice and grouped up or a dominator who placed the perfect CC puddle. Then Mr. Kheldian comes in and uses his big nuke and everyone goes into different planets. That sucks. It feels bad. Is KB conversion needed? No. But it makes them far more viable as teammates as opposed to being forced to stick around. And a lot of what you list is exactly my point: You point to one-hit-wonder power pools that serve as mules more than anything else. In truth, only a handful of PB/WS skills are really great. But you use them all the time because...well, you don't have better options. So you focus more on pools to supplement all the missing pieces in the rotation. I'm referring specifically to tri-form, not so much human-only. While I know people like the playstyle I personally feel it's antithetical to the "spirit" of PB/WS. I know I'll get hate for it but yeah, it's like playing a minionless MM: Doable, maybe even good, but...why not just play a different class then save flavor? As for cosmic balance I just feel it's a passive that pushes you into other forms. More tanks? More damage. Why pick lobster when you got like +50% DPS. You also highlight some other stuff which...well, I didn't -realize- that's how that worked. So I probably missed out on some stuff. Enhancement slot criticism is fair, agreed. Nova/Dwarf transform "abilities" would be stuff like that yeah. You can workshop specifically what would be correct but IMO it doing something with a slightly longer CD would make forms a bit more viable/powerful while also nerfing the changeling exploit.
  3. As someone who has been leveling a PB and trying out some builds, I'm thoroughly...whelmed. I think the core problem comes down to a few things: Kheldians are slot hungry yet slot starved, not to mention how many powers need or greatly benefit from a KB -> KD conversion Kheldians don't actually have that many useful abilities to do rotations, necessitating outside propping up via Power Pools (Cross Punch my hated enemy) Kheldians are propped up by a handful of REALLY GOOD ABILITIES conversely (Light/Umbral Form, for example.) One form usually gets left in the dust due to cosmic balance for PBs unless you have a truly balanced team comp. Kheldians need a lot of meta knowledge and focus to do what other classes can do minimally. But I think if we gotta nail one thing: It's that the reward for a fully built kheldian isn't as high as it should be. Due to the triform, the requirements for perma-light/umbral form, the gameplay knowledge and skill to play one effectively, your reward is...a decent to slightly above average character. Which sucks. If I am putting in all this effort to learn PB/WS, fighting for my life, dumping millions to get enhancements, why am I still one of the worst ATs int he game? Worse yet, why is it that the tanker who is going full UNGA in gameplay mashing buttons without rhyme or reason is still getting better results? There's a few possible non-buff solutions you can do, but I can think of a few ideas. Note that I'm not a balance expert so these are just cool ideas: Make the Kheldian form shifting bonus from the enhancement set inherent: This I think could really help hammer home the AT's strength as a stance-swapper. If you're encouraged at a baseline to swap forms? That'd be great and make there be more value in constantly swapping forms. As for the enhancement, you could buff it further and/or give it an additional benefit for swapping. Bonus Enhance Slots for forms only: Say every...~10 levels or so, you get an extra 5 slots. But these slots can ONLY be used for your transformations. Roughly this means by lvl 50 you essentially get an extra 25 slots but the key is they only go into your forms. Considering forms come with a handful of abilities, you'll have to pick-and-choose what gets upgraded. If it's too strong, you can also negate normal slots from going there. A potential transformation "power": Currently when you transform, you just become the thing you're transforming into. What could potentially serve as a cool "power" is that when you turn into one form, you perform some kind of effect. Maybe Dwarf gains a surge of absorption, maybe Squid gets an explosive burst of "get off me". It'd need a longer CD to compensate but it'd feel a bit better in transforming. Human Ability replaces Form ability if Stronger: Might be a coding nightmare, but if I've 6-slotted maxed out my eye beam, why am I using my squid's piddly baby form eye-beam? Enhancement AT Sets for Kheldian Forms?: Would further make them an expensive AT to kit out, but it would be cool if there was a set specific to Dwarf/Nova form that functioned like a PVP set where you get minor bonuses when you slot them, but a huge bonus when you're -in- that respective form. Enable some Pool usage in forms?: Though I listed my disdain for it above, it's weird that I completely forget how to throw a haymaker when I turn into a dwarf or how I can no longer lead my team when I turn into nova form. Anyways, I think Kheldians have a really interesting niche as a transforming AT but currently it feels like the reward for doing so isn't really worth the time, effort and IP sink to make them competitive. Not to mention it feels like many of the best benefits of the AT are not from the kit itself but by using 50% of your kit and supplementing the other 50% with outside sources. I'm sure not all the above suggestions are GREAT or perhaps even good, but I feel there's real value into digging deeper than just a flat bonus to kheldian abilities and removing KB from them.
  4. That'd come down to blance. In any game with some custom creation of abilities, you usually have to do a trade-off. Speed for power, single-target-nuke for AoE. Etc etc. In the example, I imagine you'd be designing it in a way that supports your character and has trade-offs. Maybe your signature move is a huge powerful attack you can do only once every ~5-10 minutes? Maybe your signature move is an ability you can spam but in turn it's not super powerful? I think both of those ideas are worth exploring in terms of a design space. I also think as a system it'd be prone to a bit of complexity, which could be seen as a positive or a negative. Yeah, someone will likely be able to min-max out "THE PERFECT ABILITY". It'd equally be likely aspiring designers make a skill they think is awesome but in practice ends up being hotdog water. And that's ok! A system like I proposed with that much experimentation, design and character introspection? I think it's fitting as the final slot as we wouldn't likelybe getting more.
  5. Plenty of discussion in other slots, but I wanna touch Omega specifically. IMO, I believe Omega should be the "Signature move" of your character. Batman has the Batarang, Goku has the Kamehameha, Spiderman has the web swing, etc etc. So many characters have THEIR THING. Their iconic power they get. I believe Omega should be that. When you get the omega slot, you essentially get a beavy of options and each one costs points to create something iconic and unique to you. "But that'd make my char op!" Yeah, and the game is already a playground for busted characters. You'd need to gut the entire incarnate system and rework it from the ground up to make it a challenge again. Might as well have some fun with it.
  6. Sounds like something you could set up yourself and/or with some teamwork! Make it less a competition and maybe more of a monthly (?) celebration of AE story arcs featuring popular vets, up-and-coming architects, wild cards and more!
  7. That'd probably be a lot of work for just a power pool set. Not to mention it'd potentially double-up and bloat the trays.
  8. A problem we haven't really touched on yet either is how we decide who reviews these arcs for any sort of benefit or reward. Let's say we create a council of the "best" AE writers by vote. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't be biased. It also means AE story arcs will be created and changed less to tell stories that creators are passionate about and more so stories to appeal to this "council". If I know JohnSmith on the council really loves comedy stories and really hates serious gritty stuff, Id move more towards comedy to be recognized by him, regardless if I am good at comedy or not. Which I think comes down to the core problem with putting a special sticker on AE missions: If we have someone CHOOSE who is the best, then there may be issues in how content is made and biases or nepotism. HOWEVER, I do feel one thing we could do is give bigger rewards not to arcs that are already popular but give a small bonus for playing newer/less popular arcs. For example, if a random arc all of 3 people played getting pushed to the top as the weekly AE bonus? That'd make more people engage with it. And maybe it'd be good! Maybe it's bad! Either way, people will give feedback and criticism on it while boosting perhaps unknown creators!
  9. There are benefits and drawbacks to this, but first and foremost we'll go with the idea that this is possible. (I'unno if it actually is). The main "benefit" that this would do is that it would make it so that people with high latency or high ping are still able to get the maximum benefit out of momentum. Generally (from guides), you can get roughly ~3-4 TW attacks off during momentum, ~6-7 with build-up. Of course this is dependent on ping/latency. High-stress environments means you may only be able to get off ~1-2 or 2-3 attacks. The downside, however, is that I feel this takes away from some of TW's builds for high recharge. By doing this, you essentially take away the "moving" aspect of the skill and replace it with a charge system, which in turn favors less "ABS" (Always Be Swinging) and more about optimizing the "fast" skills. In addition, due to Momentum giving a minor buff to defense, it means TW users are a smidge more tanky. Not a big deal, but something to keep in mind. I think this kind of takes away from the aspect of what makes TW cool and narrows build paths down.
  10. Because you already have two entire baseline power-sets devoted to enhancing the fantasy of being whole-on-stone, as well as a variety of options to customize it. Heck, with color customization options already present in the game, you could simply recolor and retool some of these ideas to better fit with your stone-mancer fantasy. However, very little exists in the way of enhancing a multi-elemental fantasy beyond minor recolors for some powers that borderline stretch. As for the multi-spectrum energy pool, part of that is that those exist: The energy prestige power pool for example exists. On the other hand you can recolor every shot from your beam rifle and just -say- they're different energy. But if you want a truly varied elemental character? That doesn't really exist. Most you can get is 3, but sometimes people want more. Not to mention if you -really- wanted this, you could reflavor it in another way. The reason I chose elemental is: Elemental effects are widely varied in CoH that can serve as a varied power pool. There is a clear niche to have a varied pool with different elements Power recoloruing and design can suite a variety of needs. As a counter point: What's the downside of this set existing? What's the negative of having an elemental power set? Or what's the negative of simply not taking a set because you feel it doesn't fit your character's lore/flavor?
  11. The goal was actually specifically to avoid this, as Sunsette said. Mono-elemental is the norm in CoX so I felt it'd be better to dip into a pool to allow multi-elemental power. In addition, making EACH element its own pool bloats out the power pool list and further exacerbates the choices players have to make in terms of power selection. The worst case scenario would be each elemental pool having such good options you can't even get them all done.
  12. Yeah, that was the initial idea! Super speed but with water-y effects and movement. I tried to replicate the water-jump for one of my characters via SJ but it didn't really have a visual effect that "fit" for water geysers. (Which also was part of why I slipped it in here, haha).
  13. This is a cool idea, but I feel it'd bloat the power set and essentially require a -ton- of work for one power to essentially be ~6 different powers to account for each element. Not to mention the visual problems of a electrical power set (Which is always related to END) suddenly switching to an ice bolt that restores (?) an ally.
  14. Hello friends! I've been stewing on this for a bit and wanted to try my hand at pitching a power pool. This will be a broad pitch with less focus on exact numbers and more in-line with the idea of adding something new and unique to the game. Please also bear in mind I am not the best player, so power pitches may be off! Elemental Attunement Power Pool Deepening your connection to the elements, you've gained access to a wide variety of elemental forces. What is Elemental Attunement? Elemental Attunement is a specialized power pool in the vein of Experimentation, Sorcery and Force of Will. It's design follows that suit of power pools by granting a travel power as well as a "grab-bag" of useful abilities. Like other power sets of this type, it follows a similar structure of powers. The goal of Elemental attunement is to grant a fun new power set, enhance a theme many players resonate with (elemental mastery) and to create new opportunities for players and characters. What is the value of elemental attunement? Thematically and "roleplay" wise, many players delve deeply into elemental themes when it comes to creations. From a gameplay perspective, this set was designed to invoke new opprotunities and allow for further unique builds When it comes to recycling abilities and "dev time", many elemental abilities already exist in the game that can be repurposed for this set to make it workload friendly. Adding to power pools allows multiple players of multiple ATs to experience it without needing to completely reroll a character. With those points out of the way, onto the core set! Please be aware that while I suggest these aspects, I am unaware if any potentially pitched ideas here would be impossible due to game code issues. Please also note that the same rules apply here as with other power sets: The level 14 and level 20 power require 2+ powers in the set to be taken. Core Passive: Elemental Attunement Elemental attunement abilities grow in power the more you take from the set, increasing a unique capability on each power. Inspired by the "Fighting" power pool that encourages capability increases with the set. Ideally powers can still be valuable on their own but shine the deeper you commit to elemental attunement. Lv.4: Burning Fist You wreath your fist in flames, striking a foe with a burning punch. Enemies struck by this ability have their defense lowered. For each elemental attunement power other than this that you take, applies a DoT. (Melee, Light DMG(Fire), Foe -DEF, DoT (Conditional) ) Allows for additional close-quarters options for non-melee characters. Adheres to fire-based effects based on other archetypes (-DEF, DoT damage) Without other EA abilities, can be a one-point-wonder -DEF skill. With more, it can become a nasty DoT. Lv.4: Shock Bolt You send out an shocking jolt of electricity to an ally, granting them increased recharge as well as heightening their senses. For each elemental attunement power other than this that you take, restores a small amount of END. (Ranged, Ally +Recharge, +DEF, +END (conditional) ) Supportive skill that is seen in most specialized pools, this time to buff ally recharge. Thematically fits the "electricity" buffs often provided and gives a unique buff not generally found in power pools (END restore) END restore encourages players to dip further into pool to support allies. Lv.4: Water Glide/Geyser Jump By using water, you can slide along the ground at extremely high speeds as well as gaining a small increase to jump height. While active, you can also use Geyser Jump Blast yourself sky high with a gout of water, launching yourself into the air. Titular travel skill of the pool Similar to the slide sprint power, but amped up As with other power pools, doesn't give as high a movement boost compared to SS/SJ Think Iceman's little ice slides he'd make for himself. Lv.14: Glacial Storm A small localized blizzard erupts around you. While this power is active, deal cold and smashing damage to nearby enemies as well as slowing them. For each elemental attunement power other than this that you take, increases the slow. (PBAoE (Toggle), Minor DOT (Cold/Smashing), -Foe Speed ) Allows for a smidge of PBAOE and crowd control for those who wish to wade into the thick of the fray Baseline slow is decent due to prior two powers being taken but can be improved even further. Good payoff for those who wish to enhance their AoE prowess further at the cost of a toggle. Lv.20: Crag Shield Calling upon the earth, you guard yourself. You immediately heal for a large amount and gain a shield, with any overhealing converting to further shield. While the shield is active, gain a large amount of resistance. For each elemental attunement power other than this that you take, increases the resistances. (Self Heal, +Absorb, +RES (all)) Follows the trend of the final tier of specialized power pools being a large self-buff. In this case, provides a meaty heal/absorb to differentiate from other specialized pools Res cannot be improved (Reliant on other powers taken) Ideally long CD. Thank you for taking the time to read this and feel free to leave feedback as you see fit! I hope you've enjoyed my game design attempt!
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