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Everything posted by xDaethStaRx

  1. Its just a dream scenario. I get that the team is small. Why wouldn't anyone want a graphical update? How a game looks may not be important to you but it is what a lot of folks are drawn to. You mentioned WoW. Although I talked about it, i didn't play it. Why? Because I hated the art style of the game. Didn't matter that it is probably the most played mmorpg of all time. I played CoH from when it launched. I am glad to see it back and want it to flourish. Maybe even to the point where they can hire more people to do other things in the game to update it. Right now, it is running as a labor of love. I am sure the devs, as passionate about this as they are, would love to see this grow and not just be a place for old players to relive. Eventually, they will move on just like most folks do from a game. Getting new players into the ecosystem benefits everyone.
  2. Hmm a CoH2 based on the U4 or U5 would be a god send. Other games with "spaghetti code" have managed to upgrade graphics to try and update it for todays generations. WoW comes to mind as one of the oldest, along with Runescape, and Everquest. I get it would be a labor of love but man, can you imagine this game running on UNREAL? Would open it up to a world of new fans.
  3. Feels like a homecoming for real!

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