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Posts posted by Payne

  1. No need to re-invent the wheel. Just use the cheap brute build Mez provides and move to the stronger more expensive one as you get INF. I still run the cheap build and do +4/8 like it's a joke. Make sure to aim for A3 ASAP after hitting Veteran 3.  If you're not sure what A3 is: It's Alpha 3rd or higher rank which will grant your character a level shift. This makes you 1 level stronger in power, literally turning a +4 into a +3 in power for the same rewards as +4. This is how you farm +4 effectively.


    There is always room for improvement. One persons build isn't the meta with this games different farms. Plus, he isn't even running either of the builds he posted. (See Mu Lightning and Pet on his bar and not in cheap or expensive builds).  You can get really crazy with expensive Ice/Fire Blaster for farming too!

  2. Hi just curious if anyone was able to import the build link in the thread. On Pines v2.21 last updated 5/16/19 it doesn't like importing it. Anyone mind re-posting?  Thank you!


    It's kind of an old post. I've pretty much disregarded and deleted most builds to start fresh. Here's the slotting for Thugs that I plan to respec to in the near future. Empty slot in Enforcers has the Shield Breaker proc; empty slot in Bruiser is for the Sudden Acceleration proc.


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


    Have a look. Pretty much all my MM builds will have similar slotting.


    Thank you, that worked.

  3. Hi just curious if anyone was able to import the build link in the thread. On Pines v2.21 last updated 5/16/19 it doesn't like importing it. Anyone mind re-posting?  Thank you!

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