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  1. Thanks, confirming it all looks ok now
  2. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Main_Page throwing 500 error.
  3. I had an issue similar to this on my mac (you did not specify what O/S you are using). Removing my wine prefix and letting it rebuild fixed the issue for me (mentioned in linked thread).
  4. Thanks for the link to the new wiki, did not know that existed!
  5. I've seen that error reported before ("winspool.drv" failed to initialize), but unfortunately its not one I know how to fix 😞
  6. Useful to collapse a large block to text, so people don't have to scroll all the way past it if not interested, or just attach the log file or link it via pastebin. (Prefer first or last option, people are sensibly reluctant to download random files off the internet)
  7. So it looks like Island Rum has successfully downloaded the game, etc but something is going wrong when it tries to launch City of Heroes Go to Finder, in the menu choose Go -> Go To Folder and paste "~/Library/Logs/Powermad Software/Island Rum/" in the box that pops up, in there you should see a file called "Player.log", open it in a text editor and have a look at what it says, especially towards the end. If that does not help you, reply with the contents of the log file (in spoiler tags please)
  8. First basic question. Are you using Island Rum (select correct one based on your OS version) and have you moved it from Downloads to Applications? Secondly, some of the instructions are out of date, you don't need to do anything with Wine as Island Rum will handle all of that for you.
  9. Search is your friend ... https://forums.homecomingservers.com/search/?q=MSVCP140.dll&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=12
  10. Delete the CoH.app its only getting in the way. Island Rum needs to be in Applications so it has the correct permissions to run. If you are still having issues you may want to delete the old CoH folder and restart Island Rum and let it re-create it (but that will take a little time)
  11. When I have occasionally had a popup like that I just quit it (it should show up as a separate entry in the dock, usually called wine-preloader or similar). Once I've done that its usually fine, but it does sometimes mess up my wine profile, at which point I just delete the profile (~/.privatewine) and let it rebuild itself on startup.
  12. sorry, not sure what to suggest then
  13. So not seen that error about FreeType fonts before myself, but from checking the internet it may not be an issue (just a generic warning message), it seems the actual issue is the "winspool.drv" failed to initialize, aborting bit (possibly caused by the warnings above, but probably not). It seem most likely that you need to reset your wine prefix since updating to catalina, so I'd start by deleting it (Island Rum will recreate it when starting again) rm -r ~/.privatewine
  14. Ok, if you're not used to running command line stuff, simplest thing is Finder -> Go -> Go To Folder, this will popup a box asking you to type in a path. Type (or copy) ~/Library/Logs/Powermad Software/Island Rum and click Go, this will open a Finder window at that path, and should show you two files (Player.log and Player-prev.log) right click on Player.log and Open With -> Text Edit, then scroll all the way down to the bottom you should now see some errors (or if its working correctly it will say "starting game") Hope that is understandable and workable (its too easy on my part to assume you just "know" what you need to do)
  15. ok, looks like the log location may have changed, will see if I can find where they are now Try ~/Library/Logs/Powermad\ Software/Island\ Rum/Player.log (commands you can use with that are view - opens file in r/o vi editor; cat - dumps file to console; tail - sends end of file to console as it is written) personally I prefer tail, as it shows what is happening as you launch, but view may be easier to inspect, its up to you, or just chose the tool you prefer.
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