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Everything posted by Torchkin

  1. I really like the baggy socks foot option, but the part I like most about it is the shoe. I would love to see a rework of the baggy socks option to replace the sock part smooth tights, or bare skin. There are so many costume ideas I can think of that could utilize a mary jane style of shoe.
  2. Thank you for finding this! I spent several hours trying to Google this up and in the end I even ended up sending in a support ticket (which was handled quite efficiently btw.) Just tested and yep, /clear_petnames does exactly what it says.
  3. Is there a command that will allow me to remove a pet's name. For example: You rename the traps Force Field Generator to Bob. But you want to change it back to Force Field Generator. The game says this is an invalid name if you use the /petrename command, and Force Field Generator is too long for the the right click rename menu. is there something like /petresetname ? I tried repeccing as well and that didn't reset any names.
  4. I hadn't restarted the game after loading the popmenu. It's working perfectly now.
  5. I spent some time last night trying to get the FarmPro popmenu to work. I have all the folders mentioned, and copy pasted the bind, but no matter how many times I spammed that E button no insps were combined or consumed. It worked on this character before but I was away for several months and had to reinstall. Is there a setting I'm missing in game to enable popmenus?
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