I came back to CoH a few months ago, when the announcement was made about the licensing deal with the original publisher. I thought I could make this short post and share with you what it was like in the last few months of getting back the hang of the game and see if anyone else shared a similar experience.
My first instinct was to try and grab the names of the characters I used to play and to recreate them. I was successful in most cases, but I soon found that those characters were those I would neglect in favour of trying new power sets and concepts. Maybe my tastes as a player have changed in 20 years.
There’s also the fact that the game seems a lot faster now - faster to level up and mostly faster in the missions themselves. I was shocked when I did my first task force and it took less than an hour. The teams I join regularly clear maps in a fraction of the time it used to take back in the day. At least that’s my impression.
It also looks to me like damage is king now. I feel like a team with overwhelming DPS can easily overcome any challenge, regardless whether they have access to support or control. This feeling has changed the way I choose which archetypes I play. I used to mostly play defenders, now I play a lot of corruptors and blasters.
So anyway I just wanted to dip a first toe in the forums, maybe see if anyone else has had the same impressions I did when coming back. And if you ever run into Lady Meredith, Arbiter Jolicoeur, Lady Masque or Maggie Magnum, don’t hesitate to say hi.